Foto bij Chapter 5

School passed slowly. I was glad to hear the bell ring, announcing the ending of another day. I went to the lockerroom. And as I entered it, I spotted someone standing at my locker.

I froze for a few seconds. Then, gathering all my courage, I walked towards him. Jared. What would he want from me? When I reached him he said ''Hi.''
''How did you know which one was my locker?''
He paused, looking away and then:
''I saw you at it this morning.'' he said with a smile, while he shifted his weight. His uncomfartableness was cute.
''Is there something you want from me?'' I asked, clueless why he was here.
''Why don't you want to join the school choir?'' he asked, looking at me.
I sighed.
''I already told you why. I'm no singer. And it makes me uncomfortable when the whole school is looking at me.''
He was quiet for a moment. Like thinking of a solution, or something.
‘’Maybe if you get used to the whole singing thing, like that you believe you can do it. Then you won’t be afraid of failing. I think you have some kind of ‘’fear of failing’’ thing.’’ He laughed.
‘’I do not.’’ I snapped, quickly.
‘’I could help you with your problem. I think you have potential, wouldn’t you like to become a singer or something?’’ he asked me, serious this time.
I thought about it for a moment and then asked:
‘’How would you be able to help me? Just for the sake of asking.’’
‘’I can teach you how to sing. Didn’t expect from me that I could also sing, huh?’’ he said smiling.
Was there something this guy couldn’t do?
Maybe I should do it. I love to sing and being a singer was a dream of mine since I was like, six. But this guy teaching me how to do it? I wanted to ofcourse. I mean, I like the guy. So, what was stopping me? Nothing, really. It was silent for a while, me looking at him, deliberating.
''Okay, fine. I'll do it.'' I then finally said, hoping I won't regret it.

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