Foto bij ~2~ Profile Jace Wayland

~Jace Wayland~


Name: Jace Wayland-Herondale
Nickname: Jayce
Age: 16
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Gold
Personality: Independent, self-possessed, seen as arrogant, snob, chivalrous and quite flirty.
Ability: He plays the piano very well, and is seen as the best shadowhunter that exists right now.

Jace is a son of Stephen and Céline Herondale, and Valentine Morgenstern was his foster father.
The family by which he was adopted is the Family Lightwood, Robert and Maryse were his parents and he had 1 sister and 2 brothers Isabelle, Alec and Max.

Jace is known for and has a strong title for his good looks. He is described as having fine, curly, golden blond hair and eyes that look gold in the light with long eyelashes. His face is often described as being beautiful, sexy, gorgeous and angular and Clary often refers to him as beautiful and leonine, with a narrow mouth. Like all other Shadowhunters, he is covered in thin, silver scars from years of applying various magical runes with a stele for battle and healing purposes, as well as permanent runes that look like tattoos.

Aware of his own beauty, Jace was also once quite chivalrous, and quite flirty, towards women before he met Clary. His charisma, good looks, and charm have made him quite the ladies' man. However, taught that "to love is to destroy" at an early age, Jace kept everyone, except the Lightwoods, at arm's length, never forming emotional attachments for more than a brief amount of time, if at all. His personality drastically changed after he met Clary, with Isabelle even stating that Jace was apathetic about everyone else beforehand, not caring about anyone other than the Lightwoods until he met Clary, whose presence shook Jace, who was revealed to be a very passionate individual, loving Clary on a very deep and passionate level when he fell in love with her and does everything in his power to protect her from harm, the extent of his love for Clary even surprising those close to him.

Jace is also noted to be left-handed (like Valentine). He is said to look like his true father, Stephen Herondale, except around the eyes where he looks like his mother, Céline Herondale.

He has a birthmark in the shape of a star on his left shoulder.

'If you wanted me to rip my clothes off, you should've just asked'

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