Foto bij ~1~ Profile Clarissa Fray

~Clary Fray~


Name: Clarissa Fray
Nickname: Clary
Age: 16
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Hazel
Personality: Stubborn, brave, very caring and compassionate person, reckless
Ability: Art, she's a real Artist just like her mother. She often draws out her emotions and feelings through pictures, her version of a diary, just using pictures instead of words.

Clary is a daughter of Jocelyn Fray and Valentine Morgenstern, born on 6th of August 1991.

She is often said to look almost exactly like Jocelyn with their green eyes, curly red hair, slender figure, small chest and narrow hips. Though she does not see it, nor does she see the beauty others often see in her. There was a time when Clary felt herself to be a smaller, less beautiful, and more childlike version of her mother, although most people disagree. She is quite short, just a little over five feet tall, has hair she considers carrot-colored, and "a face full of freckles."

It is mentioned a few times that she dresses in a boyish fashion, wearing T-shirts, jeans and sneakers, which sometimes annoys Isabelle, who then picks out nicer clothes for her to wear. Though later on in the series, she slowly sheds her usually boyish fashion and begins to put an effort into fixing herself up more often. She is told by a few guys to be cute or beautiful, despite what she personally thinks of herself. Jace is also shown to find her beautiful and says that Clary, unlike other girls, just doesn't know it.

'What would you do if you saw something nobody else could see?'

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