Foto bij Chapter 4

I saw him sitting in the back of the classroom. He was a pretty handsome guy, someone who you would definetly turn your head for. I could see his fair skin and strong muscular arms. And I stared at him for a while, and when our eyes met, I turned around quickly.

He stood up and walked to the front of the class. Everyone was silent as he started to speak:
''Hi guys. My name is Jared. I'm eightteen years old and I'll be assisting your music teacher, in the hope's of becoming one myself in the future.'' he said with a smile.
Eightteen years old.
''Oke, thank you Jared,'' mr. Patterson said, interupting my thoughts. ''Please open your books, page 17.''
So I did. It was a the song called Bad Day by Daniel Powter. It was a song I knew, and liked.
''Okay, if you could all stand up now.'' mr. Patterson requested.
So did we, and I saw Jared taking place behind the piano.
''He's cute, don't you think?'' Anna whispered while smiling at him.
I nodded absently. He started to play, absolutely knowing what he was doing. You could see his fingers gliding expertly over the keys, barely touching them. Something I didn't really expect from him. He reminded me of someone very close to me. I drifted into my thoughts and before I knew it everybody was singing, and I was completely lost. Crap. I saw him smiling at me from the corner of my eye, but he just kept on playing, what I found incredible. He didn't even have to look at the keys. I saw people do that on TV and all, but the way he does it makes it seem so magical and I really had respect for the guy. I started singing along once I found out where we where. It feels good to be able to sing without the full attention on you and I totally gave myself away to the song. But then people were starting to stare at me and Anna was giving me a weird look, so I started to sing a little quieter. I looked over at Jared again and saw him smiling again, while looking at the piano. We finished the song and did some others. Me glancing at Jared every five seconds and catching eachothers eye a few times. When the bell rang, announcing the lunchbrake. I gathered my books together and put them away in my bag. Anna did the same but was quicker.
''I'll see you in the cafeteria.'' she said over her shoulder, already leaving the classroom.
The class was almost empty, when mr. Patterson came over to stand in front of me. I was clueless of what he was going to say, until he said it.
''Hey, Emmelie.'' he said first of all.
''Hi, is there something wrong?''
He paused for a moment before he said:
''I was just asking if you would like to join the school choir.''
His words shocked me for a second, but when I got hold of myself again, I said:
''No, I don't think so, sir. I don't want to make a fool out of myself.'' And that was true.
''You won't, cause I think you have a great voice.'' he said, flattering me. No one has ever said that to me, except for my mom.
''Yeah, you do.'' I heard someone say and at that moment my body got an electric shock. At least, that's what it felt like. I knew who had said it, ofcourse. But the fact that he was talking to me made my body tremble. I didn't know what to say right then until mr. Patterson broke the silence,
''You should try it. It might be something for you.''
I thought about that for a spilt second but then shook my head.
''No, I'm sorry sir.'' I said.
And left the classroom without glancing at him again.

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