Foto bij Chapter 3

I woke up the following morning at seven o'clock. I had my shower and got dressed, then went to the livingroom. My mom had made breakfast for me, butter on toast. After I finished that I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. ''Goodmorning.'' my mom said who was in the bathroom. ''Goodmorning, mom.'' I said as she was leaving the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair. It was a quarter to eight when I finished with everything and I decided to go to school. It took me fifteen minutes with the bike, and I liked to be on time. It wasn't cold outside, it was August after all. I put on a cardigan and went out to the garden to get my bike. I put my schoolbag in the basket infront of my bike and made my way to the backdoor. Then stepping out on the sidewalk and closing the door behind me, I started cycling to school. I arrived there at eight o'clock. When I went to the basement of the school to drop off my bike I saw Anna standing with her bike. She spotted me as soon as I was done locking my bike, taking out my schoolbag and hanging it on my shoulder. ''Hey, Em!'' she greeted me, while walking in my direction. ''Hi.'' I said back. After talking a while we went to the lockerroom to drop off some of our books. ''Which subjects do we have?'' she asked me. Ofcourse I was always the one to check which ones. It sort of became a standard routine. ''We have.. maths, history and music.'' I answered her. We changed our books and went upstairs to sit with our classmates on the steps were we usually sat. I greeted them all, there was: Charlene, Sarah, Mary and Charlotte. The rest wasn't there yet. Then I heard Mary say: ''I heard we have a new intern with music.'' I wondered who it could be.. We rarely had interns with music. Then the bell went and we all made our way to the maths class. That passed quickly, noticing I didn't really have trouble with maths. I just didn't learn hard enough for the exam. Then we moved on to history and then finally music. I enjoy music a lot. We mostly sing, learn how to play the keyboard and read notes. When we entered the classroom though, I saw no intern. I went to sit at my table with Anna sitting next to me. ''Goodmorning, class.'' the teacher said. ''Today we have someone new, who is going to assist me with the lessons. Would you like to introduce yourself?'' he asked someone at the back of the class. And then when I turned my head, that's when I saw him.

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