Foto bij Chapter 2

I finished my guitar lesson and started walking home. It was almost six as I got home.

My mom was standing in the kitchen when I walked trough the door. She was cooking pasta, which was my favourite food. ''You're home early.'' I commented. Mostly my mom would get home at half past six. ''I had the early shift today, so I was done at half past five.'' she said with a smile. ''How did the lesson go?'' she asked just as I was making my way to my room. ''Fine.'' I said, without turning my head. I dropped my guitar in de corner of my room, next to my bed. Then walked to the hall to hang up my jacket and take off my shoes. Going back to my room, I sat on my laptop. I had one email from a girl in my class, asking if we could go do something fun. Her name was Britt and she's been stalking me from the day we became classmates. I just run out of excuses. I have guitarlessons, sorry. or Sorry, my mom wants to take me shopping today. Things like that. I deleted the email, probably say it never arrived. Furthermore no interesting emails. All junkmail. ''Dinners ready!'' I heard my mom call when she was passing my room. I went to the dining/livingroom and sat at the table. I was really hungry so it didn't take long for me to finish. It was pretty silent at the table. My mom asking some random questions about school. After dinner I took my plate to the kitchen and set it in the sink. I went back to the livingroom to watch some TV. ''Titanic'' was on and I decided to watch it. My mom came in at some stage to watch it with me. But it was getting pretty late so she got up and went to bed, suggesting I did the same. It was half past 11 when the movie was over and then I did go to bed. Lying in bed I found it hard to fall asleep for a long time, but slowly, I sank into unconscious.

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