Foto bij Prologue.

When I turn the page I sight in disbelief. Even when I'm reading my favorite magazine I'm looking at it in disgust. There he is, again. It seems like everything is about him and his band called One Direction. I mean they're just another band. But they're just everywhere. And wherever they are he is too. And I dislike him the most. It’s just it’s all about him. He is always in the magazines, you never see the other band members don’t you? The others have to smoke before they’re in the news. I’m not being rude here, it’s just my opinion. Off course he’s handsome. But he’s too handsome. So there must be Photoshop in this. See, he’s not perfect. Not. Perfect. So can every teenage girls just be normal and not all freaked out about him? I mean come on, anyone?
No matter what I'm reading I just always have to see his famous face.
And the famous face belongs to
Harry Styles.
I mean how many girls can you kiss in what, like one night? That's what I hate the most about rock stars. They always have to make use of us girls. They must think we’re dolls. There must be something in their view they’re having about girls. And I think they don’t have feelings either. How many girls have been crying over them? Don’t they see the tears streaming a girls face? I think their blind too. Who can resist a crying girl. Every girl is beautiful. And they see this ‘beauty’ in another way. They just walk away and find another girl, all they have to do is click in their ‘goddess’ fingers of them.
Not that I have my own experience with it. No, not at all!
It's just,
can't they be normal guys with a unusual jobs?
And again all the attention goes to him. Even my attention. No way! So I'm ending this here. Enough about Styles. How about more about me? I can be important and interesting too. Like...
Dangit how hard can it be?
I know there must be something... I'm just thinking too hard. Don't worry you will get used to it. To this overthinking of me. If you can stand me, I mean.
In time...

I unfortunately live next to Holmes Chapel. Not too far away. But no too close either. Thank God for that. I live in a small house with my best friend. And I'm working as an interior designer. Well I’m still studying for that.
See! I'm important to those people who need help decorating their house!
I've know my best friend since forever. We were in school together when we were like 7 and since that age we stick together. And now we hire this little house together. And we're having a great time together. She's always been there for me whenever I needed her and so have I for her.
Suddenly my attention got to the news. Because Lana had turned the volume louder. What was going on these days? Another tsunami. Last week was an earthquake in Africa, now an tsunami in Thailand. And the whether these days... Something wrong was definitely going to happen. But not one scientist could tell what. All they could figure was that something had changed in space. But what had space to do with our world? Anyway they said there was nothing to worry about.
But somewhere I didn’t believe them.

Thank you for giving my book a try!
I promise it's gets better than this!

XOXO Amelia

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