,,And that girl?" she asked.
,,Let me arrange that," he said. ,,You must do other things. You know what I am talking about?"
,,Yes," she answered. ,,I know. But that work is not necessary. Are you sure you don't want my help? I think you aren't able to destroy her. She is the daughter of a mighty divinity. She is not the daughter of Aphrodite or a stupid god or goddess like that!"
He began to get annoyed of her. ,,Listen, I am a mighty god! Always follow my orders!"
,,Oh, so you don't want me? Are you sure?" she said furious and rose up her spear.
,,Calm down, calm down." He looked annoyed again. ,,I am Tartarus and you are Gaia. How could we possibly kill each other?"
Gaia said: ,,Well, maybe on another way..."
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