
Once upon a time the Joker invaded Gotham he wanted to see his best friend batman. Because it was Christmas he had to give the bat a heartwarming gift, a bomb seemed warm enough. But first he needed to get in the bat cave. As soon as he founded the house of Bruce Wayne he climbed down the chimney and founded the biggest Christmas tree he had ever seen. And behind the tree a little boy named Robin.

the boy looked surprised at the Joker “are you Santa sir?” the boy asked full of hope. The Joker thought with a mischievous smile this is an opportunity. “why yes little boy, I am” he said with a grin on his face “ do you want to meet Rudolph dear boy?” the boy could not restrain his happiness and nodded with his mouth wide open. The Joker and Robin went outside, but the joker could not leave without leaving his present and a note that said

dear batman, I saw your little friend and thought it was my duty to give him the best Christmas ever! So I took him with me.
PS this note will self-destruct in 5,4,3,2,..
batman could jump away just in time, for the heartwarming gift. His tree and presents were gone. But most important Robin was gone. He needed to get Robin back. He called Alfred they sat behind the computer and tracked Robin down. Robin was in Metropolis! “oh no not that donkey” batman said sadly
what nobody knows about batman and superman is that they are brothers. From a parallel universe. They did not get along witch was not a secret. But he needed Robin back. So with much pain in his heart he went to Metropolis. As soon as he got there Alfred called.
To say that robin was at the big Christmas celebration in the center of the city. And that the joker was going to burn down the tree. Batman knew he needed to be fast, and that he could never get there on time without help. Help that could fly at the speed of sound . he must call his brother. He used the bat signal and tried to make an S.
Superman was there in no time. As soon as they saw each other they hugged with great displeasure. “brother,” batman spoke. “ I need your help, the joker is going to burn Robin alive! We need to save him. ” as soon as Batman ended Superman asked “batman!, why did you came to me?” batman got mad and started to raise his voice” I just said it use those super ears of yours! You donkey but there is no time, we need to hurry, Robin is in danger ”
“ok batman take my arm, we’ll be there in no time” and they flew away. As soon as they arrived the joker was already putting gasoline on the tree. He saw the superheroes and laughed “batman!” He screamed “superman ?” he asked confused the gasoline tank was empty “it is no use you are to late you donkeys!” the joker laughed.
Superman got really angry and screamed at the joker before attacking him “why does everybody keeps calling me a donkey?!” the joker was easily defeated because he doesn’t have powers. Batman stood in front of the joker, asked “who is the donkey now?”
the joker kept laughing as soon as he stopped he said “you” as he pulled the trigger to burn down the tree. Robin was already saved so they sat in front of the nice bonfire making s’mores while the joker was on his way to go to prison they laughed all night. It was indeed the best Christmas ever!

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