Deze situatie's zijn misschien leuk om in je verhaal te verwerken of gewoon om je inspiratie een boost te geven.
Beschrijf wat jij of je personage zou doen als ze in dit soort situatie's terecht komen.

Socially Awkward Situation #1:
You’re in class and you want to cough. Some other guy just coughed, now you have to wait.

Socially Awkward Situation #2:
Someone calls in your direction. You raise your hand to wave. It turns out they weren’t calling you. You casually fake a head-scratch. It’s too late; everyone saw.

Socially Awkward Situation #3:
You sit down on a chair and it makes a fart-like noise. You attempt to make the noise several more times so that everyone knows you didn’t really fart.

Socially Awkward Situation #4:
You hold the door open for one person. Now you have to hold it for everyone behind them; if you let go, they’ll think you’re selfish and un-mannered.

Socially Awkward Situation #5:
Talk to your date while eating. Accidentally spit a tiny bit of food onto them.

Socially Awkward Situation #6:
“Excuse me, do you stock ________?”
But they don’t work there.

Socially Awkward Situation #7:
He goes in for a high-five. You go in for props.

Socially Awkward Situation #8:
Walk into the washroom and the stalls are full; pretend you only came here to wash your hands then leave.

Socially Awkward Situation #9:
You check your phone because you have nothing to say to the conversation.

Socially Awkward Situation #10:
Someone comes online; you say “hey”, they go offline.

Socially Awkward Situation #11:
The person in front is walking slightly slower than you are. You walk at an uncomfortable speed to get past them.

Socially Awkward Situation #12:
Someone you vaguely know is walking in front of you. You maintain distance.

Socially Awkward Situation #13:
You say “hi” to someone. It comes out as a whisper.

Socially Awkward Situation #14:
You fart and sneeze at the same time.

Zouden jullie het leuk vinden als ik af en toe mijn uitwerkingen van prompts plaats? (:
Stuur me een link (als het al online staat) van je creatie en anders kan je me wel een privé-bericht sturen of hieronder een reactie plaatsen. (:

Reageer (4)

  • philtatos

    farting and sneezing simultaneously is a common problem that is endangering our species.

    I'm serious.

    9 jaar geleden
  • 1iemand

    Bij 6 ben ik meestal de persoon die moet zeggen: "Sorry, maar ik werk hier niet", zo awkward!

    1 decennium geleden

    Dit is zooo handig :D Je bent echt top ! (:

    1 decennium geleden
  • Chasing1D

    Ja echt wel!
    Wow deze lijken me wel eens interessant om uit te proberen hehe.

    1 decennium geleden

Meld je gratis aan om ook reacties te kunnen plaatsen