1. Every year on your birthday, you are visited by yourself from one year in the future. This year, no one shows up.
2. Describe each day of the week as if it were a person.
3. Write a story that begins with a word randomly picked from the dictionary.
4. You wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of your books speaking to each other. Which books are speaking, and what are they saying?
5. A story about discovering that a certain religion (or your own) has been proven to be true.
6. Or, alternately, discover that your current religion (or your character’s) has been proven to be false.
7. Write a scene immediately following a tragedy. You may give hints to what the tragedy could be, but you cannot reveal what it really is/was.
8. Your main character becomes self-aware and realizes they’re living in a fictional story.
9. Write about the person you are, meeting the alternate version of yourself at the same age you imagined you would be at a younger age.
10. Write a story from the viewpoints of a pen and paper being used to write a story.
11. Write a story in just six words.
12. You ride a subway through underground New York City and discover you can remember the pasts of your fellow passengers.
13. What, exactly is a soul mate? Get creative.
14. A short story about yourself, writing a novel. In the same short story, the main character of your novel begins writing a novel about you.
15. You discover the lampposts on your street are watching and gossiping about you.

Deze vond ik wel erg leuk/interessant. Zeker nr. 1, 8 en 14. Succes!
Stuur me een link (als het al online staat) van je creatie en anders kan je me wel een privé-bericht sturen of hieronder een reactie plaatsen. (:

Reageer (3)

  • Apofylliet

    11. 'Write a story in just six words'
    Doodskist: gratis af te halen, ongebruikt.

    9 jaar geleden
  • MissUnicorn

    Er zijn al films gemaakt over nr. 8, geen idee of je op die films hebt gebaseerd, maar voor als het dat niet is, hier 2 titels van films die ik gezien heb daarover:
    The Matrix (moeilijke film over de toekomst, ook een film van volgens mij 10-15 jaar oud)
    The Truman Show (met Jim Carry, het is best een grappige film :) )
    ~xxx Pinkie xxx~

    1 decennium geleden
  • niniwa1

    Nog zulke goede! Dit is echt handig, kudo van mij. (:

    1 decennium geleden

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