Foto bij My dearest Jane.

Dit is mijn eerste oneshot, dus als je kritiek/tips/etc hoor ik het graag.
Veel lees plezier :)

My dearest Jane.

‘Aro’ Caius entered the room at a human pace yet with the elegance and beauty every vampire possessed.
‘What is it, brother ?’ I questioned, holding out my hand asking for permission to read his mind.
Denying me access to his mind he instead went straight to his throne. He sat down and waited a few seconds before answering me in which he sent away the guard with a simple hand gesture. Their speed allowing them to leave in mere seconds but just as graceful as they would have had they moved slower.
‘You are becoming too attached to the girl’. It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. Blunt and unambiguous. His anger flared now, and for a moment I wondered why she preferred me over him even though they were so similar. ‘you do not think of her as just a guard, do you ?’
He was staring at me now, apparently waiting for an answer to his rhetorical question.
‘ Of course she is more than just a guard, she is our greatest asset’ I said, it was the truth.

But she is so much more than that.
She is like fire. Beautiful, dangerous and all consuming.
Beautiful when her cherub features softened as I tried to make her momentarily forget about her past.
Dangerous when her eyes glided around the room searching, at times desperately, for someone to torture . Making them cry out in pain as she made them carry her burdens.
All consuming when she demanded my undivided attention when we were alone. Craving my praise –her master, savior and only friend in this cruel world- like no one else ever did or ever would .
And most of all she is mine. She is my Jane for now and she will be my Jane forever.

‘And that, dear brother, is all she will ever be to me’ I lied, like I always had to when he questioned me about Jane, my dearest Jane.

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