Foto bij Wild ride

'Henry?' Mom openend the door. I looked up from my book. 'Yeah?'
'I'm off to my councilmeeting. You can stay up until 10, ok?' I nodded. 'Bye Mom!' I yelled.
I heard the slamming of the door, and just a little later the sound of a starting car. I ran towards the window, and waited until the car had turned around the corner.
As soon as that had happenend I pulled my backpack from underneath the bed. I put my book in it with the rest of the stuff I needed, and then I ran downstairs.
Mom had put some snacks by the TV, and I packed those as well.

Five minutes later I stood outside the house. I made sure to hide the key, and then I started walking. Storybrooke had no busses or anything, so I had to walk all the way out of town until the next village. When I walked down the main road, I saw a few people coming out of Granny's, but they didn't pay attention to me.

Once I got into the next village I got on the first bus that went to Boston. Because I knew it was going to take a while to get there, I had packed the book Miss Blanchard gave me. Or even better, Snow White did. I re-read the story about her and Prince Charming again, and then I took another look at the newspaper article. It was an article about my birthmother, Emma Swan. That's how I found her full name. The only thing I had had to do was google her name.

I really hoped I was going to find her. It would really suck if I got to her place and then someone was going to tell me she moved. But I had no time to continue the daydreaming, because the bus had stopped in the middle of Boston. Once I got out of the bus I found myself standing in front of a fancy looking hotel. I asked the man at the door where her adress was, and he pointed me in the right direction. I thanked him, and started walking. Her appartment was litteraly across town, so when it started raining I said a bad word. Mom would kill me if she'd be here. But then again, why wouldn't she? She's the Evil Queen after all. I just can't believe someone is able to be so full of hate. My daydreaming abruptly stopped, because a policecar pulled op next to me.
'Hey, kid. What are you doing here all by yourself in the rain?' One of them said. Luck was on my said. I put on my sad- face, and told the police officer I lost my way back home.
'Poor kid. Why don't you buckle up, and we'll take you home. Boston is dangerous at night when you're your age.' I tried not to smile, and got in the car.

They dropped me of in front of the building, and I ran inside. It was crowded in the lobby, so nobody paid attention to me. I slipped through the crowd to a sign. Emma Swan, 205 it said. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me, and then I got into the elevator. I was finally gonna meet my mother. The elevator had barely openend, but I slipped through and ran as fast as I could. I came to a halt at the sign 205, and took a deep breath.

Reageer (1)

  • Schack

    Het stukje dat daarna komt is echt zo geweldig. :')
    Leuk geschreven. ^^ Jij hebt nu ook even zoiets van: 'Oké, hoe meer ik activeer, hoe beter. 'Klik, geactiveerd, klik, geactiveerd, klik, geactiveerd, klik, geactiveerd...'

    9 jaar geleden

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