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Darkness fell like a blanket over her face.
She couldn't ignore this feeling, that had took it's place into her stomach.
A slow breath left her mouth.
The mask fell of her face, as she sat in the dark.
Another day, she survived.
They didn't know, no one knew.

No one really tried to get to know her, they always believed the smile.
No one knew what happend when she sat there,
save in her room, all the lights out.
A single tear rolled down her face, a sign of sadness.
Deep, cold sadness.

Silence was the only sound she heard, it screamed into her ears.
She loved it, deeply.
The only time when she could really be herself, her broken, little self.
She carried scars, in places no one could see. Inside and outside.

She once had dreams.
Beautiful, unreal dreams. Dreams she knew she couldn't follow.
It broke her heart. Along with the pain her poor heart already carried.
She once was this warm, laughing person.
Now she was only a pitch black shadow of who she used to be.

It didn't matter no more.
Because the life she wanted to live was out of her reach.
Along with happiness and love.
She didn't want to try, no more.
She was done.

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