In a kingdom far, far away, in a time long, long ago, there lived a rebellious, stubborn and red-haired princess, Merida of DunBroch. She often had arguments with her mother, Elinor. ‘Merida, lass, you are already 16 years old, you should marry soon. Your father and I found a really nice boy for you, his name is Dingwald Jr. of clan Dingwald.’ said her mother. ‘But mum, I don’t want to get married, I’m not ready for that, maybe never! I want to control me own life, fate can be changed. But no you won’t understand, because you don’t listen!’ shouted Merida at her. ‘Enough, this conversation is over, Merida.’ Normally she had gone to her room after such an argument, but this time she was furious. Merida decided to ride through the woods to calm down. It was near twilight when she left the castle on her horse Angus. Merida was mumbling in herself, when she realized that she was lost. Suddenly a wisp appeared in front of her, she followed it inside a hidden cave, and then it disappeared. Dark clouds covered the sky and it began to rain. ‘Well Angus, at least we’ve found a shelter’ Angus neighed. After a while a shadow of a boy appeared with a huge thing next to him. Merida stood up as they approached. ‘Who are ya?’ she asked bravely. ‘Who am I, I’m Hiccup. And who might you be?’ ‘I-I am Merida’ ‘Oh...and this here is Toothless, my dragon. But don’t be afraid’ He pointed at the thing next to him. She approached Toothless and petted it on its nose. ‘Yer all wet, come sit by the fire, I’ve just made it.’ she said. ‘What are you doing here?’ Hiccup asked. ‘I was riding through the woods when I got lost. How about ya?’ ‘Me and my buddy here were searching for an evil and ferocious fire-dragon, but we were surprised by a thunderstorm’ ‘I can help ya look for it’ Merida responded
Within the three days they searched, they became good friends. ‘I think I’m beginning to like you, Merida’ said Hiccup, she blushed. ‘…I wanted to ask ya something… do ya want to come with me to the castle of DunBroch?’ she said at last. ‘The castle of DunBroch? That’s where my parents live, I haven’t seen them in a while, but they’re the only family I have. Of course I want to come with you!’ And so they went back to their homes. As soon as they stood at the edge off the woods, Merida saw thick, black plumes of smoke and flames lighted the sky. The wooden floor crumbled and parts of that what once was a castle collapsed. Merida fell down to the ground and cried. Hiccup stood paralyzed ‘My-my family…’ he stumbled and sat down next to Merida. She laid her head on his shoulder. ‘How could this have happened…oh, if had just listened to what mum told me….I was the one who needed to listen.’
Despite they both had no family left, Merida and Hiccup had each other, which made their bond stronger than ever, this is what’s called true love. Later on they married and had three children which they named after Merida’s little brothers, Harris, Hubert and Hamish.
The reason why the story end with that everybody dies, is because I want to show that not every love-story needs to be romantic, they may have a sad end too.

Reageer (1)

  • artinandwritin

    Je hebt me zo ongeveer aan het huilen gemaakt... zo mooi, terwijl ik die twee niet eens ship...

    7 jaar geleden

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