You’re sitting on your bed waiting for your best friend to answer the damn phone. It’s been beeping for at least two minutes. But you won’t hang up because this call is too important. ”Hey it-” ”Finally!” You cut her off almost screaming. ”I thought you would never pick it up.” A soft chuckle can be heard from the other side of the phone. ”What up.” She asks, sounding just like a boy. If she would be standing next to you at this very moment she would’ve been able to see the confusion at your face. ”Don’t you know what day it is?” You ask her with a surprised and slightly annoyed voice. ”um..” ”Oh my god I can’t believe you forgot.” You sigh. A quiet ‘sorry’ can be heard from the other side of the phone. ”You better be.” You snort. ”I’ll help you remember. Wait a sec.” You climb to the other side of the bed pushing play on your radio. It always has the same CD in it. You hold your phone next to the small thing, waiting for anything to happen. A few seconds after the tunes of She looks so perfect start playing a muffled scream comes out of the speaker. You press your phone back too your ear whilst laughing. ”Oh my god sorry Louise! I’m such a dumbass!” ”You kinda are, yeah.” You chuckle at her. ”So, how late will you be there?” ”I’ll be there in, let’s see, fifteen minutes.” ”Great.” You answer. ”See you there!” She says before leaving. You shake your head and get up too get yourself ready.


”What’re we supposed to do now?” You shrug and look around. ”Just keep walking around. Don’t stay at the same place the whole time.” She nods in agreement. You pull your 'Is it hi or hey?' beanie a little more down. It’s freezing outside. ”When are they even gonna arrive?” You shrug again. ”Probably around three. Maybe later. We don’t know if they’ll go shopping or something like that.” Your friend nods, again. ”Should we walk to the other side of the street?” ”Kay.” You start walking and moving feels a lot better than standing still. Makes you a bit warmer.


Almost thirty minutes pass by while the two of you been standing still again for another ten minutes now. ”I’m really cold.” you murmer. ”What do you think of me.” Your friend answers, a tiny bit annoyed. They should’ve been here already. They always arrive at their hotel around this time. The feeling of being almost sure that you’re going to see them, maybe even meet them makes you feel a little bit warmer inside. You can’t wait to see those boys from maybe just a few meters away.
Your friend is very good at doing sneaky things. You figured that out. After calling to various hotels and searching for more information she figured out this was the hotel they would be staying at. She’s 98% sure that they will spent the night or even days here. And she also knew that people didn’t know where they would be staying. And she was totally right about that. The streets are just normal. No screaming girls to be seen anywhere near. All of the sudden you get a slap on your shoulder. With a confused look you catch your friends eye. Disbelief can be seen on her face. After a few seconds you realise what it’s about. ”Where.” you hiss while you grab her arm. She points too the left. A small car, totally not what you think they would arrive in, stands still at the side of the road. It doesn’t have blinded windows. From a distance you could still recognise michael’s hair. ”Oh my god. It’s happening.” You whisper. ”Should we..?” ”No, just wait before the doors open. Then we just casually walk over to them an try to be calm.” You nod and wait. After not even a minute one of the doors opens. Probably a security guard steps out and walks to the back of the car. He grabs a few bags and puts the rest on the sidewalk. When one of the other doors open you grab your friends sleeve and pull her with you. The nerves rush through you. This is it. It’s really happening. You can already see the back of Ashton his head. You’re getting closer. 10 meter. 7 meter. 5 meter. You can hear them laughing. Instantly you get a smile on your face. ”Are we just gonna.. say hi?” ”We can’t do anything else. Just hope they don’t send us away.” After a few steps you’re just a meter away from the car. They are busy with talking. Untill Ashton turns around to probably close the car door when he notices them. ”H-hi.” You stutter. His green eyes are even more beautiful in real life you realise for a moment. Ashton gets a grin all over his face. ”You owe me 20 bucks!” The surprised head from Luke pops up behind him. ”Genius.” Ashton chuckles. Oh god his dimples. ”Hi!” He then says with a huge smile on his face. ''You probably came to see us since you haven’t walked away yet.'' You nod heavily. Another chuckle. After a few moments all the boys are standing in front of you. ”What can we do?” Ashton asks. ”I-I… Can i just stare at you for a moment?” You say in disbelief. All four laugh and you peek at your friend for a moment who is looking at them, gaping. ”How’d you find us?” Luke asks. ”Because of you two my twenty bucks are gone!” You’re getting a little more relaxed now. Just a little bit. ”You should ask this genius here.” And you point next to you. She looks at you but can’t say anything. ”I-I ehm, i just did some research.” Everyone laughs again. ”You’re a little genius you know that. We tried to keep this all quiet but you still found out. I’m impressed!” Luke chuckles. ”Thanks.” She says with flushed cheeks. The bodyguard anounces that they got ten minutes to talk before they have to head to the hotel, otherwise people will recognise them in no time. ”Ten minutes is more then enough.” you say to myself.


After just chatting with them for about eight minutes you realise how normal they are. Just typical teenage boys. ”Two minutes.” The bodyguard anounces. ”Can i just give you all a hug?” Your friend asks. ”Ofcourse!” They all answer. She slowly walks over to Calum who is standing in front of her. He’s already holding his arms open for her and after she decided she is already so close she just grabs him and puts her head agains his chest. After a few seconds she lets go and almost jumps to Michael immidiately. Calum holds his arms open for me. ”C’mon. Bet you also want one.” He winks. You nod and take deep breath. You sink in to his chest and grabs his jacket just a little bit. He smells like typical man deodorant. But it actually smells nice on him. His warm arms tug you just a little closer for a moment before he lets go. You do the same with Michael and Luke. Both as magical as before. But then you step in front of Ashton. For a moment you just look up at him. His eyes twinkle and a sweet smile is on his face. You look away how hard it can be. You grab him en nuzzle your nose in his jacket. He doesn’t smell as manly as Calum does, neither Luke or Michael. He smells, fruity. You can’t place what sort of fruit. ”You smell nice.” You murmer into his jacket. He chuckles. ”Thanks i guess.” Your cheeks go bright red when you realise you’ve said that out loud. He rubs your back a little bit grabs you tighter and then lets go. ”I’ve got lotion that says it has peach in it.” He grins. ”Not very manly, but who cares it smells good as fuck.” And you are hot as fuck you think. You laugh at him and take a step back. ”Should we just make a picture before we have to go?” Calum suggests. ”Yes, please.” Your friend says enthusiastic. Luke gets the security to make a picture with your phone. And hands it back after just one. But Ashton gets him back and demands him to just snap a few more. With a bright smile on your face you stand between Ashton and Michael. ”Just one crazy one okay?” Ashton says. Everyone agrees and the bodyguard puts the phone up again while sighing. ”One, two-” Ashton grabs you and holds you in his arms, weddingstyle. A high pitched scream leaves your mouth. He grins at you. With a quasi angry look you pinch him in the arm. He sticks out his tongue before he turns back to the camera and smiles again.


After Ashton had finally placed you down we say goodbye. When we walk back home it feels like we just had a trip to heaven. Ashton his arms felt so good. He smelled great. All the boys where super nice and because of my awesome friend this has been the best day of my entire life.

Ok nou ik had dit gemaakt voor iemand op tumblr, maar ik dacht laat ik het hier ook maar neerzetten ;)

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