So I haven't written anything at all for like 6 months. So I'm going to write how my life is now and yea, enjoy x.
-xxx- Lizzy.

September 2013
I haven't cut for whole month, it is quiet hard to be honest, but my friends help me a lot. I'm in 11th grade now and I got a crush on a guy who has been my friend for 5 years now. He is cute and yea, I don't really want to ruin our friendship.

October 2013
Haven't cut for 2 moths now and I am really proud, I found other things to get happy, like putting on music and turning the volume really loud and then just sing and dance like crazy.
I still got a crush on this friend of mine, but now I also think I got a crush on his best friend. I didn't tell the first guy I love him, but I already told his best friend I got a crush on him, so now I don't know what to do.

November 2013
No cutting for 3 months now. Found out I don't really love the other guy. I was just fooling myself, again.
So now I am just confused.

December 2013
Haven't cut for 4 months. I feel good about myself now and my life is really getting better.

Januar 2014
Haven't been cutting for 5 months!! So proud :D.
The guy I was talking about in the part of September 2013, he asked me to be his girlfriend, I still think I am dreaming, even after 3 weeks, I am just too happy. My life is so wonderful now :D.

February 2014
Haven't cut for 6 months, it feels great to be honest. Last weekend I had real fun for the first time since last summer, thanks to my friends and ofcourse my boyfriend. My life is really getting better now. I hope it will only get better.
I have felt lost this month but I'm okay now though. :3

Reageer (3)

  • anonymoussx

    Hey Lizzy,
    I'm sorry but it's not my intention for you to find out who i actually am.
    Like i said in my previous comment: "Don't try to find out who i am"
    It's not my intention to actually make friends or something, i just want to let you know that even if you don't know someone, they can feel sorry for you and actually be concerned.
    I also don't want you to believe that i am someone who you know cause i know so much about you.
    So whenever you have the feeling nobody cares, there actually are people who care, and those people are people like me.
    I just want to wish you good luck on everything you're coping with right now.
    And i'm sorry to disappoint you, but i think it's better this way.
    Saying who i actually am would only make things harder for me, i dont want that.
    Please don't question anything and just be happy that people care.
    Talk to you soon.


    1 decennium geleden
  • IAmMe96

    Hello Anonymous,
    I'd like to get to know who you really are, so just come to me and talk to me when you see me in the hallways.

    Nothing of this story is fictional it is all true it is just my life and I won't lie about anything.

    Next time you got something to say about my story you can just say it FACE TO FACE I like that better than comments.

    xxx Lizzy

    1 decennium geleden
  • anonymoussx

    Hey Lizzy.
    You don't know who i am, but i know who you are.
    We've never spoke before face to face.
    I'm in the same school as you are, and no,
    Im not doing this to make you feel awkward.
    I've seen you wandering through the hallways so now and then, and it makes me kind of concerned.
    I know it's you behind this story.
    I was always very concerned about your condition because you don't seem so happy now and then, i've also never been in the same class as you. But eventually i heard you made this 'story'.
    Don't be scared, though. I'm not gonna share this story with anyone, i'm just here to help you.
    And also, don't try to find out who this is, there's no point to. I just want to let you know that there áre people out there who actually care even though they don't know you.
    Just so you know, we REALLY have NEVER spoke before. You have no idea who i am and I think its better to keep it that way.
    I was kinda in shock when i read this story, and i really feel sorry for all the bullying, and i'm very happy it stopped. But you really don't seem so happy when i see you walking in the hallways. I always feel sorry for people who feel like shit just because people make them. I feel sorry for you. And i'm very happy to hear that you've been smiling a lot. I've even made this whole account just so i could reply to this. I think it's very brave of you to publish this story on the internet, even though it has it's fictional sides (the boyfriends). And i really, really hope your life will become better and more successfull and that you actually find something to live for and you find love and all of the goods. I bet you're an amazing and sweet person behind that mask of sorrow and pain, and one day, you would be able to let that show, and that will be the day that you're life gets better. The only thing i know is that that day WILL come, at a time that you won't expect. I really took the time to write this comment and i hope it made you feel better.
    I'll see you wondering off in the hallways after the holiday break, and hopefully, this time with a smile.

    Xx anonymous.

    1 decennium geleden

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