Foto bij Beating the odds - scène 1 - de ontmoeting.

Hello everybody,

Dit is hoe ik de ontmoeting van mijn loki fanfiction ooit in mijn hoofd had, het is niet ubergoed, maar ik ben nou eenmaal niet een meester schrijfster en het is in het engels.
Ik hoop dat iemand mijn hersenspinsels iets vind,

xxx Isis.

I made my way through the long hall way, hoping I wouldn’t come across someone. People knew I visited here a lot, but I normally went with my dad. Ever since we had that whole mandarin crisis our house had been swamped with agents. The crisis was resolved five months ago, but I had reasons to believe the SHIELD agents had become homeless in those five months. The result was that they just wouldn’t leave.
Ironically, the only place I could really think was at SHIELD headquarters. It’s not like I hadn’t tried going to different places, but people were always bugging me. Every time they would come up to me, asking if I was Iron Man’s daughter and if I could get his autograph. In the end, I snapped and I went to search for a new quiet place. I had JARVIS hack into the SHIELD system and upgrade me to special agent status, giving me clearance for every level, and it was awesome.
At last, I had reached the end of the hall. I punched my code into the computer nex to the heaviest door I had ever seen and entered the room.
The room I usually sat in was a prison for high profile criminals. The glass cell, that stood in the middle of the room, was able to hold a god or even a Hulk. They had never tested it though. And yet, as I stood there, someone turned around and stared at me.
“Oh hell no,” I said as I stared at the gorgeous villan standing in the middle of the glass prison. A pair of green eyes stared back. Those eyes would hunt me for the rest of my life. His hair was long and black as the night, his lips curled into a little smirk when he saw me. Jezus christ, he’s hot.
“And who might you be?” His words hung in the air. I tried to find my voice and speak up, to give some badassery answer like my dad, but I couldn’t find any words. He had left me speachless. Well, that is certainly a first for you, Olive.
“Well?” He raised his eyebrows, the arrogance drifted through the air with every word he spoke. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath.
“Olivia.” I finally managed to say without stuttering.
“And what are you doing here?” I ignored him for a bit and went to sit at my ususal spot. I crossed my legs and stared at him. His eyes had followed every move I made.
“This would go a lot faster if you would actually talk back.”
“I usually come here to read. I didn’t know the room would be occupied.”
He laughed. “Why do you lie to me, mortal? Do they really think I talk tell you? A foolish little girl? They must be truely desperate.” He was pacing through the room, his arms and hands making wild gestures as he spoke. Adruptly, he turned around. Our eyes locked and I could see the fire, I could see why people thought of him as a monster. And yet, the fire intrigued me. It was something I had never seen before. The air thickend and I suddenly had trouble breathing. My heart was racing in my chest as I stood up. A rush of adrenaline, activated by the part in my brain that responed to fear, ran through my veins. My muscles began to feel all thingley. Run while you still can, dumbass.
“DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM, HUMAN? DO YOU?” Starteld by the sudden words I took a few steps back, which almost caused me to stumble over my own feet. I swiftly recovered.
“Loki of Asgard.”
“I am a god, human! Do you really think you can manipulate me? Do you think you can hold me in this… this glass cel?”
Well, I wasn’t really expacting a rant from some villan in a cage when I planned to go here. I didn’t even know why I even went to sit here anyway. I shouldn’t even be here, surely not when they had locked someone up here. So why did I sit here anyway? Because I was intrigued? Maybe he stirred something up in me, but at this point my mind sort of went blank. I really wanted to leave. This guy scared the crap out of me.
“Jezus christ, dude. I just wanted to read at a quiet place.” My voice sounded steady, but I surely wasn’t. I took some steps back until I felt the safe, cold metal under my finger tips. I punched my code into the computer and got the hell out of there.

Reageer (1)

  • Redamancy

    DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM HUMAN. CAN'T BREATHE GOODBYE. you were always my fav comedic writer

    1 decennium geleden

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