"I know you're somewhere out there, somewhere far away. I want you back, I want you back.... My neighbours think I'm crazy but they dont understand, You're all I have, all I have.. At night when the stars light up my room, I sit by myself... Talking to the moon"

Sometimes, I have the feelings like no one cares about me.. When Im at school everyone bullies me, when I come home all they ask me to do is chores then they ignore me. The only time I can be myself is when I think of him. My life saver. I'll tell you about my life, how my life got ruined in primary school. How I thought it would get better in secondary school, and how it went totally wrong right after my third form. I'll start to introduce myself. My name is Aislin, I'm 15 years old and I am in the middle of my fourth form, and school's a hell. Sometimes I feel like I'm 'fat amy'. Im not the skinniest one in school and deffently not the most beautiful either. Most of the time I get laughed at, beaten up and all I can do to my few friends is give them a fake smile. A few days ago I told one of them about school, that they laugh at me, all she said was "I'll never leave you" Thats all, and it was enough, for a moment I felt like someone cared.. But to tell a story, you have to start from the beginning. So I'll start with primary school...

This is where my story begins.

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