After the trip to another planet, I really felt like just going to a different time, and I had a date in mind. I wanted to go back to march 10th, 1998, the date my dad was killed in a drive-by shooting. The killer was caught but my dad was all alone.
“Can we please go there Doctor?” I asked. “He died all alone; I just want to be there for him, just to hold his hand so he isn’t all by himself.”
“I can do it.” He said. “But can you?”
“I want to do this.”
So off we went. We travelled back to march 10th, 1998. We landed on London, just two blocks away from the spot he was killed.
“It’s 10:17 now, your dad was shot at 10:33.” The Doctor said. “Are you sure you want to do this?” “We can leave if you want to.”
“I’m sure.”
He took my hand and we went to the spot where my dad was let out of his life. At 10:31, the Doctor and I were standing there, watching my father as he walked across the street. We saw how the car drove around the corner and how the man pulled his gun out and shot three rounds. Two out of three hit my dad in the chest and the last one missed. As soon as the car drove off, I wanted to run over to my dad, but something stopped me and I ran the other way

“Are you okay?” the Doctor asked me while we were sitting in the restaurant.
I was holding my tee but I wasn’t drinking it. I just stared in the distance with teared up eyes.
“No I’m not okay.” I said, sniffing my nose. “I missed my dad so much all those years and then when I get the chance to say goodbye I ruin it.”
“You didn’t ruin it,” he said. “If you want, we can try it again, but only one more time.” “Crossing your own timeline is very dangerous.” “Whatever we do, the other us can’t see us.”

So we travelled back to that exact moment. At 10:33 we hid behind a wall, waiting of the other us to leave.
“Wait until she runs the other way and he follows her to comfort her.” “Then you can go see your dad.” The Doctor said.
“Thank you, for doing all this just for me.” I said.
I gave him a hug and we waited for it to happen all over again.
As soon as the other me ran off and the other Doctor followed her, I rushed over to my dad.
“I’m here for you daaa….. I mean sir.” “You are not alone.”
“You look like my wife.” My dad said, his and my eyes filling up with tears.
“Tell my wife to take good care of our daughter, and that I love her.” He said.
“I will.”
Then he took his last breath to thank me for being there for him at the end and he passed away in my arms. As soon as he died I started crying and the Doctor rushed to me and tried to comfort me.
We waited for the ambulances to come. Then we went to find my mother in this time to tell her what happened.
“Whatever happens, do NOT touch the baby you.” The Doctor said. “Bad things will happen if you touch her.”
We went inside and told my mother what happened. She was just trying to get the baby to sleep. The Doctor took over the baby from her and I told her exactly what happened. That his last words were that he loved her and that he knew the baby was going to be raised to be a beautiful woman. My mom cried but she was happy to know that my dad wasn’t alone at the end, that he had me.

“Are you ready to go?” the Doctor asked.
“Can’t we stay here for one more night?” I asked. “Like at a hotel or something?”
“Sure we can.”
We found a lovely hotel just outside London that was very cute and small. We checked in and went to our room.
“I’m going to go and take a shower. “ I said.
“I’ll order room service.” “Anything you want in particular?”
“Ice cream, loads of ice cream.”
When I got out of the shower and got dressed, I heard the room service come in.
“Here is the ice cream for your wife.” The man said.
“Oh no, she is not my wife.” Said the Doctor.
“Pardon me then.”
I heard the man close the door as he left. I opened the bathroom door and walked towards the bed.
The Doctor handed me the ice cream and I started eating.
“You know,” he said. “I’m very proud of you.” “Most people wouldn’t have handled it as good as you did.”
I smiled.
I felt pretty tired and looked at the alarm clock and noticed it was 11:37 already so I went to sleep.
When I woke up the Doctor was gone. I saw a piece of paper lying on the table. I picked it up.

Good morning,

I just went to get us some breakfast, ill
Be back around 10 o’clock.


I looked at the alarm clock and it said it was 09:44. I put on a robe and sat at the table.
There was a newspaper lying on the table so I picked it up and started reading. It said on the front page: ‘Man killed in drive-by shooting’. For a while I couldn’t really say anything. By the time I calmed down the Doctor already returned with breakfast.
“Are you sure you're okay?” he asked.
“I’m fine.” “Can we go home?”
The Doctor looked a bit concerned.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“I know you thought we were here only so you could see your dad, but this is also the perfect place to recharge the TARDIS, so we are pretty much stuck here until tonight.”
“So what are we going to do?”
“Whatever you want, today is your day.” “What do you want to do?”

That evening we went back home. When I saw my mom I got really emotional.
I ran up to her and gave her a hug.
“What’s wrong honey?” She asked.
“Nothing, I’m just happy to see you.”

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