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To Revaa’s surprise food came appeared out of nothing and she started to eat. It was delicious, especially the chicken was really good.
“My primairy element is Fire” said a guy opposite of her. “My mum was shocked, her element is water. Usually you get your mums element. But I inheritance my fathers element” he continued happily. “Whats yours” he asked the girl beside of Revaa.
It was the girl with braided hair.
“Mine is Earth, same as my mums” she answered with a smile. “My dads element is also Earth, so actually there was no other way.”
“It does happen you know” the guy said.
“Really? I didn’t knew that?”
“Yeah, a friend of my brother, his element is Air. While both of his parents element is Fire.”
“Oh, really? Thats special”
“Yeah, it doesn’t really happen much.”
“How about you?” the girl asked another boy, opposite of her.
“Also Earth, my mums element. Dads element is water” he answered muffled because he had is mouth full of food. The girl laughed at him and turned to Revaa.
“And you?” she asked with a smile. “Whats yours? You’re the last one”
“M-m-m-me?” replied Revaa nervous. ‘Oh, no….Well here it goes’. Revaa swallowed her food and said in a tiny voice: “Well, I don’t like to tell but I’m a Alrum”. She looked at her plate; ‘and here it goes, my chance of making friends’
The guys reacted exactly how she thought they will. They watched her with a look of disgust and fear. Just like the rest of the wizard first years that could hear them; only they look more terrified than fear. But to her surprise, the girl with the braided hair said;
“I don’t get, it’s not like she’s unstable. She looks fine! I bet she had training in controlling her powers!”
“So? You know that in the past Alrum’s are feared because they’re labile. Too much power drove them insane. Most of them went away, for their own good” said the boy opposite of Revaa. Tears fromed in her eyes, if she hadn’t said anything… It would be different.
“And, You-Know-Who aided the Alrum back then. It went beserk on our village, thanks to the Alrum we were almost extinct” said the guy opposite of the girl next to Revaa.
“Well, that was somebody else than her! You guys are acting as if she has done it, that’s stupid and mean. We don’t know her yet. I’ll bet my life that she isn’t like that Alrum.” Said the girl with a tone as it had settled the matter. “I don’t think that Professor Dumbledore would let you study here if you were labile” said the girl with a soothing smile to Revaa. “My name is Bree Spaulding, I hope we will be friends”
Revaa looked at Bree and gave her a little smile. “I’m Revaa Blackmore and I hope so too.”
“Everybody apologize towards Miss Blackmore” said a deep voice. Revaa looked around and saw a teacher standing at the front of the table. “Miss Spaulding was right, Blackmore had been trained for nearly five years to control her powers. She was trained by Albus Dumbledore himself.”
“And who are you?” asked the guy opposite of Revaa in a very rude way.
“I am the Head of Slytherin, Mister Clayton Copeland. Professor Snape” said Professor Snape and with a little scary smile he continued; “And I don’t mind giving severe punishments to you even though you’re just a firstyear.” Some students in higher years sniggered.
Revaa looked at Professor Snape, he didn’t look likeable. With his hooked nose, shoulderlenght black hair that looked really greasy. But because of this, she did started to like him. Luckily not everyone thought of her as a dangerous being.

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