
Revaa looks around. Some fifth years guys are laughing and pushing each other, more people laughing and having fun. She sighed, Revaa’s first year in Hogwarts will be a harsh one. Looking around, it was hard to tell who was a Elemental and who wasn’t. Sighing again she pushed her trunk in to the train and looking for a empty compartment. Happily she put her trunk in the compartment en tried to put it on the shelf only to fail and fall on her bottom with her trunk painfully in her lap. Making a high-pitched scream of pain and disappeared behind her trunk.
“Are you allright?” she heard a voice.
“That’s kinda a dumb question don’t you think?” sounded Revaa muffled.
“Yeah, sorry. Let me help you with that” said the voice again. Revaa felt that the trunk was lifted of her and saw that the person who helped her was a muscled guy but handsome one, a few years older than her she guessed.
“Thank you” said Revaa with a smile, “I guess I packed maybe to much”
“Well, I hope you are allright. Not very harmed I hope?” he asked with a worried face.
“No, no, I’m okay. Just a little shocked”
“Good, well my name is Oliver Wood. I’m in my fifth year. And you?” Revaa recongnise as one of the guys she saw on the platfrom.
“My name is Revaa Blackmore, I’m starting in my first year” she replied.
“Really? Well I hope you get into Gryffindor then, I’m in Gryffindor just like the rest of the lads here” and he pointed smiling at the his friends.
“I don’t know, how my kind gets sorted” she said in very small voice.
“Sorry, what did you say. I couldn’t hear it” Oliver asked.
“Oh, nothing” Revaa smiled.
“Right” he said with a suspicious look on his face, but changed it quick and left with the words, “well see you Gryffindor then”. Revaa bid him goodbye and seated on the bench. She started to look out of the window. Revaa didn’t have the slightest idea in which house she will be sorted. And again she sighed. Slowly she saw the world change around her and the sun was setting. The compartment was still empty.

2 |
Just like the rest of the first years Revaa was called by a giant man. A really giant man and that was not because she was already tiny.
“Off e’re go kids, let’s get to the boats” said the giant man and Revaa walked behind him. The man pointed at the boats.
“Four lads a boat” he yelled. Revaa walked to a boat and seated in it. Quickly she was accompanied by three other first years. Three boys, two of them were bulky and looked stupid through their small little eyes. The other boy had white-blonde hair and a sharp pale face.
“Hello, my name is Draco Malfoy and this Crabbe and Goyle. And you are?” he asked. His voice was arrogant and very confident, also exactly the way he looked. Revaa loathed arrogant and over confident people.
“I’m Revaa Blackmore” she answered calmly.
“Blackmore, Blackmore. I think I’ve heard of that name. Are you a pureblood?”
“Yes, pure wizard blood. No muggle blood in your veins?” he said, if it was the worst thing you could have; Muggle blood.
Revaa looked at him, she wasn’t even a wizard. Loads of people didn’t mind normal Elementals, but her… Revaa was a Alrum Elemental. Even Elementals weren’t keen for her, so wizards loathed them, or more were actually terrified of them. Only a few Alrum ever exsisted. She is the first ever to go to Hogwarts.
“No, I’m actually a Elemental” she answered with a little shaky voice.
Draco Malfoy looked at her. Revaa facepalmed herself in her mind; obviously the boy came out of a wizard family, he would of course asked with which element she was born.
“Really? Cool” and he looked at the castle again. This surpised Revaa but she was too relieved that he didn’t asked it so she also started to look at the castle. She smiled, Hogwarts looked beautiful in the moonlight.
“LOWER YOUR HEADS” the giant man yelled again and Revaa lowered her head but then noticing that she didn’t need to lower her head. She was already small enough.

A few moments later they were all cramped in a small room inside the castle. Revaa could hear people talking happily and loud in the Great Hall. Nervous she looks at her feet, leaning from one foot to the other. Being sorted, how will they do that? How will she be sorted? Revaa couldn’t think of anything, if she has to use her powers. Revaa shudders; she didn’t like to expose herself in front of so many people.
“First years, follow me” Professor McGonagall was back and lead them out of the tiny room. Revaa took no notice of the Ghosts that waved them goodbye. Only thinking what the sorting was about.

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