
The Elements of Nature are divided in the Three Levels.
Level One are the Mundus. The Worlds Elements, this consists the elements Time and Life. These two elements are the most important to build a world. It’s impossible to master these elements for as they are too big and powerful. However, Elementals can master these elements for a certain amount. These elements are mostly used for healing an ally.
Level Two are the Primus. Primairy Elements, this consists the elements granted by The Breath of Nature. The Spirit of Earth gave his powers to those who were expediency, fortitude and rational. The Spirit of Water gave her powers to those who were observance, impartial and ambitious. The Spirit of Air gave her powers to those who were intelligence, independent and honest. The Spirit of Fire gave his powers to those who were passionate, energetic and progressive.
And the last level is Level Three, these elements are called Secundus. Secondary elements consists of elements still important to the world but are smaller and easier to master. Every Elemental may choose two of these elements when they’ve mastered their Primus. There are six Secundus; Metal, Invisibility, Lightning, Sound and Mind Control. The last Secundus is Love; This is a Secundus because love is elusiveness and is still a mystery to all.

The Elementals come from the Ancient World known as Antiqui Orbis but were forced to leave because it was destroyed, they made a portal to the Mortal World or the Earth as wizards and witches call it. The king or queen of the Elementals are called Rex Archon or Regina Archon. Archon is the name of the highest family within the Elemental society and also the most powerfull ones.

An Elemental is born with one of the Primus, when they’re about 5 years their chakra’s awake and whenever they use their Primus, the eyes change. Every element has a colour so the colour of the iris is based on that colour, this is because no Elemental is the same. The difference in the colour is very simple, from light to dark and bright to lacklustre. A Fire Primus would give the child a mixture of red, orange and yellow. A Water Primus would give a mixture of darkblue and greenblue, an Earth Primus would give a mixture of brown, green and lightgreen. While an Air Primus would give a lightblue with very little white.

As mentioned before Elementals use chakra’s to make their powers come out. In total an Elemental has six chakra’s. One in the left hand, one in the right hand, one in the right foot, one in the left foot, one in their heads and the last and most important one in their chest (Punctum Chakra Maximus), these are called chakra points or Punctum Chakra. The size and shape of these chakra’s vary from person to person. From the Punctum Chakra Maximus there are lines to the other Punctum Chakra’s in the body, each Punctum Chakra has four lines that attached to the Maximus. These are chakra lines or Linee Chakra. An Elemental can choose how many Linee he/she wants to use. The amount of Chakra thats come out depends on how many Linee the Elemental uses.
The Punctum Chakra Maximus is divided in four sections. The biggest section called; Sectio Primus, is where the Primus Element is stored. Then there is a somewhat smaller section called; Sectio Secundus. This is more complicated, since the Elemental can choose two Secundus only those two will activate and actually work but since the Elemental chooses the Secundus after master his or her Primus the Secundus must be already present. This is why the six Secundus are all existing around the Sectio Secundus. The six elements are small bubbles tied to the section with similair strings as the Chakra Linee. Than as last there are two little sections left. Both store a very small part of the Mundus Elements, these sections are called Sectio Mundus Time and Sectio Mundus Life.

Also as told above every element has it own colour and an Elemental can choose if they want to shape the actual element (Verus) or use the chakra form (Forma Chakra) of it. Here is a list with al the colours of each element;
Time black
Life white
Fire Red, orange and yellow
Water darkblue and greenblue
Earth brown, lightgreen and green
Air lightblue and very little white
Metal grey
Invisibility a blurry but transparent white
Love pink
Lightning darkyellow
Sound purple
Mind Control turquoise

History of Elementals

The Elementals were created millennia ago, by the four Natura Anima, more known as The Breath of Nature. These Spirits granted their own power to the would be Elementals. Each Spirit had his or her own qualities and searched for the right people to give their powers to. Why they did this was something nobody ever knew, or will know, because this was never told to the person who recieved the power of their Spirit. What is written in this book has been told from mother to daughter and father to son.
And throughout the history of the Elementals more elements were created and mastered untill the Elementals could control every inch of Nature.The Spirits were pleased to see that the Elementals used their powers only for the good. They helped the magic creatures from the Antiqui Orbis, the same world the Elementals came from and lived. For centuries the Elementals who lived in Antiqui Orbis were happy and loved by all untill one day. An Elemental was born on the 21st of the 12th moon in the highest family of the Elementals, also known as the Archons. But there was something odd about the newborn Elemental, it didn’t have the eyes of any of the Primus. Normally when a child was born it had the eyes of his of her Primus. Fire Primus made the eyes the colour fire had; a mixture of red, orange and yellow flowing through each other. A Water Primus made the eyes greenblue, an Earth Primus made the eyes a mixture of brown and green also flowing through each other and a Air Primus made the eyes a lightblue with sometimes white in it. But this child hadn’t had any of these colours instead one eye, even the pupil was white while the other eye was black, even the sclera was black. The Elementals were amazed but because they were a merciful nation they raised it and decided that to call this Elemental an Alrum Elemental. A combination of white (Album) and black (Nigrum). The Archons saw their child grow up and were happy and prosperous untill the chakra’s (the power core of the Elementals) of the Alrum awakened and made a catatstrophe of the Ancient World; Antiqui Orbis. The Alrum went beserk and destroyed the Ancient World, the power the Alrum could master was to much for her, the Alrum could even use the Mundus fully. A few Elementals were able to escape and made a portal to the Wizards and Witches world. From there there are no records of new civilization.
But centuries later, Paracelsus, a wizard who lived in the 16th century mentioned a small village somewhere deep in a British Forest, no more than 500 people lived there. He also mentioned that these people were strange, he saw them making fire and water out of thin air, without the use of a wand. Unfortunaly, but lucky for the Elementals, no one believed Paracelsus that there existed magic like that and they put his research on the highest self off the oldest and hardest to get to bookcase. Only to be looked at it again by no other than a Hogwarts student who turned out to be a wizard who most wizards feared, even his name. Lord Voldemort to his way to glory still thought about these mysterious people who Paracelsus wrote about. So he went to search for them and found them. He showed great interest in the Elementals and occasionally returned to gain their trust and in the end he gained their trust. But then something happend that had happend before, an Alrum was born. But Lord Voldemort thought this was his chance to gain complete trust of the Elementals and performed a spell that would suppressed the powers of the Alrum, so that one by one the elementals could be taught and that the Alrum would be no longer bring doom and despair but bring true power and even master the Mundus elements completely. The Elementals and especially the Alrum was blissful of this change. Lord Voldemort took the Alrum, who got the name Clive and lead him into the war that Lord Voldemort caused by then. But because the Alrum was so greatfull of what Voldemort had done for him and his people, he obeyed everything that Voldemort asked him to do. In the second last year of war he returned home for some rest and his old love Zephyr, one of the Archons, and soon Zephyr was pregnant for she loved him too. The Elementals were of course delighted and thought to slowy move out off the shadows, were they’ve always lived. But there was one Elemental not very delighted as everyone, he was even suspicious and didn’t like the thought of Lord Voldemort. It was Zephyr’s father, the king of all the Elementals, the Archon Rex. So he asked Clive what he had done while in the service of Voldemort and Clive answered. But with every thing he had done, the Elementals became aware that this wasn’t what they strived for and the Archon Rex told Clive that he wouldn’t return to Voldemort, Clive became a murderer, a killer.
And so Clive became aware of what he had done but he said he didn’t have a idea he had done those things, which the king found unbelieveble and sentenced him for life long prison for an Elemental does not kill. Clive went mad and insisted he didn’t had control over his body and thought it was the right thing. Still the king didn’t believe him, even Zephyr who loved Clive with her whole heart didn’t want to know him anymore, Clive became a murderer and she didn’t want that her child was raised by a murderer.
Clive eventually went mad and just like the last Alrum he went beserk and almost killed all the remaining Elementals but when he wanted to use his power to wipe out everybody he was stopped by no other than Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore killed Clive, so he wouldn’t do anymore damage and saved the rest of the remaining Elementals. Zephyr’s father saw that Dumbledore had a good heart even though he had killed and followed him to the school of Hogwarts. No more than 50 Elementals were left and Dumbledore kept them safe in the castle of Hogwarts untill the war was over. Nine months later Zephyr delivered her baby to the world but she still weak, she was hit right in her chest with the opposite element of hers, where the most important organ of the Elementals lay. She died after the child was born and had given her a name. But also this child was a Alrum. Most of Elementals by now did not want to know her but Dumbledore was not letting this child die. He did the same as Voldemort had done but he used different spells; better ones.
After Lord Voldemort was defeated, the Elementals started to live amongst the wizard world. Even found their loves here. Elementals attended Hogwarts to learn more about wizardy and witchcarft and some subjects became required to graduate. Elementals became part of the wizard world or as they still call it; the Mortal World.

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  • Traitor

    Ik heb het nog niet gelezen, maar het lijkt mij wel coowl =)

    1 decennium geleden

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