Foto bij 001

Olivia's dress:

I was standing in front of the mirror in my small pink bathroom, yes my bathroom is pink, sue me. I looked at my body, it was bruised and scarred and, well ugly. I was getting ready for a simple night out with friends, normally I didn’t look at myself in a mirror, not even a small one. But I was making an exception for once. I was still just standing in my bra and underpants when the bell rang. I quickly grabbed a towel and covered myself in it before I went to open the door. When I found nobody there I looked around and ran out the door, of course (clumsy me) I tripped over something and landed face down (and bottoms up) on the pavement. I looked around to find what it was that made me fall and saw a big box just lying there, I picked it up and saw a sticky note, which said “wear this tonight & wear your red pumps they’ll go great with it”. Surprised I looked around but still could not find anyone who could’ve left this. So I decided to just go back inside, but on the door I found another sticky note “I’ll pick you up at 5 btw”. Something inside me told me that I shouldn’t get my hopes up and that it was probably some stupid joke but when I opened the box my mouth literally fell open in shock. Inside lay the most beautiful red dress I had ever seen (which would indeed go splendid with my red pumps), but also a beautiful silver bracelet with a bow, a golden necklace and a beautiful silver ring (both with the infinity sign) and beautiful red feather earrings. I’m guessing this dress was not fit for the night out with friends but I still decided to put it on. I was more than amazed when it all fit perfectly but it did! I went to look in the mirror and I didn’t recognize myself, I put on a little bit of mascara and curled my hair and for the first time in my life I thought I looked beautiful. Though I was still wondering who left all these things at my doorstep but I’ll figure that one out at 5, wait what time is it? And just as I want to check the time there goes the doorbell for the second time today! Lucky I’m ready otherwise this would be awkward! But I run to the door to open it and as I open the door there he stands, Julian, my friend, my best friend, my brother, my everything. He’s wearing a tux and looks at me with his adorable half smile. “I knew you’d look drop dead gorgeous in that dress”. He gave me 12 red roses and a gentle kiss on my nose
I can’t believe it has been already 1 year since he saved my life, literally and figuratively speaking. But before I can tell you that story I will have to go back a little further…
Where should I begin? Oh I know, listen up.
It all started when I was almost 16 (I am currently almost 18), so 2 years ago. I had transferred to this beautiful school earlier that year and we were getting everything ready for Christmas, the exams had passed and we thought the school could use a little bit of festivity after that! It was beautiful and I had so much fun those days

So finally I was able to post the first chapter!
hope you guys like it :)
oh and these made come in handy for your imagination ;)
The outfit:


xoxo Gwen :)

Reageer (2)

  • xaM

    Your writing skills are really nice!

    7 jaar geleden
  • Skynight

    I like it! :)

    1 decennium geleden

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