When I arrive at the party I get a warm embrace of my friend. She´s my best friend for a few months now. I love her a lot, though she can be a bitch sometimes. But that´s okay to me. I walk in and see all my friends, and a few people that I don´t know. I don´t see any bad people so I put on a smile and walk towards my friends. They are really happy and a bit tipsy. After a few glasses of bacardi and malibu I am too. We´re having a lot of fun till one of my friends get punched in the face by her old boyfriend. We all walk to him and push him away. He gets banned from the party. We all take care of my friend and decide to bring her home. On her way home we get stalked by a group of boys. That´s him. The boy who makes me suffer. I try to hide among my friends. Luckily I succeed and he doesn´t notice me. I tell me friends I don´t feel very well and I go home. When I´m home I suddenly fall asleep on the couch. Next morning my sister wakes me up. I´ve got a hangover so I´m not in the mood to get up early so I literally creep to my bed and continue sleeping. I dream about last night. It´s not a nice dream because I wake up breathing quickly. In my dream I passed out because I was in a fight with that boy. He really makes my life that much worse. Then I look at the clock. It´s ten past nine. I have to go to school now. When I arrive at school it I notice it´s closed. Because of the heavy snowfall. I turn around and cycle home again, I should have been called by my classmate. But he didn´t call me, as usual. I go back to bed and my thoughts wander off. After quite some time I fall asleep again. What an useless day. I prefer not to wake up again. Never again. But one thing is clear to me now. I have to tell people about my secret. I know it won´t get worse. Simply because it can´t get worse than this. Tomorrow is the last school day and then I finally have winter break. This break I´ll tell someone. I´ll force myself to.

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