How my life got better.

Since I've slapped someone with a ruler it got less so it is a lot better now, but still I get bullied.
They saw my wounds and they see my scars but they don't know the story behind it.
But it really is getting better.
I mean, I don't get bullied that much anymore and my confidence is getting bigger and I am growing stronger every day.

It is now august 2013 and I'm 16 years old (almost 17).
I'm a fan of, ofcourse, One Direction xD.
I got a lot more friends and some of them even live in other countries and other parts of the world.
I started trusting people again.
I go to school with a smileon my face again.
When people ask about the scars on my arm I can tell them my story, with a little tear in my eye ofcourse.
I believe in you and everybody else, but most important is that I believe in myself.

Reageer (2)

  • IAmMe96

    Nog niet ik ga hier echt mijn levensverhaal schrijven en dat eindigt pas als ik dood ben natuurlijk

    1 decennium geleden
  • Phantomhive

    Het laatste is helemaal waar. Is dit het einde van je story?

    1 decennium geleden

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