This is where everything changes and my life starts getting harder.

It is 2002 now and I'm 7 or 8 years old and I'm in fourth grade (or so).
A new girl came in our class. At first we were like best friends but after a few months she started bullying me.
She made everyone in the class think I was a bad person. Only one girl was really nice to me and we became best friends in sixth or seventh grade (or so).
From then i got bullied untill some teacher stood up for me and helped me.
The bullying lasted for like 4 or 5 years and then it got less.
Then i went to high school and it all started over.
I couldn't stop it.
They called me names and stuff. They stole my stuff. I lost the only friend I had on that school. I lost confidence. I LOST MYSELF.
I started believing what they said about me and that's how I lost confidence.
I stood alone.
After 6 months of being alone I found a new friend, Britha.
The bullying on this school lasted for 3 more years and still hasn't stopped.
It only got less when I slapped someone with a ruler on his arm.
I'm in a depression because all of this. I'm suicidal because of all the bullying.
They didn't stop and my boyfriend cheated on me, that's when I stopped trusting people and started self harming.
People still don't see that they hurt me and keep bullying me.
Now it is 2013 and a really good friend of mine moved to the other side of the country, I really miss him, but I move on. I have to move on because you can't stay in the past.

Reageer (2)

  • IAmMe96

    Het erge is dat ik mezelf ook kwijtraak, ik haat mezelf en ik begon te geloven wat ze tegen me zeiden

    1 decennium geleden
  • Phantomhive

    Pff, ik weet hoe pesten voelt. Alleen was ik noet suïcidaal (ik lieg, misschien op sommige momenten), maar het ergste van alles was dat ik mezelf aan het kwijtraken was omdat ik mezelf begon te haten. Het is nu nog moeilijk, maar het komt goed. Mooi geschreven <3

    1 decennium geleden

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