So these kind of are the happy times of my life.

[october 1996]
It is october and I am born. Not very interesting, I know, but this is when it was all happiness.
My parents and other people of the family are all filled with joy, so was I.

It is now 1997 and I'm 1 year old everything is still happy and I'm a toddler having fun with my cousin.

I'm now 2 years old and I just went to kindergarten, where I made my first best friend.

I'm 3 years old and still in kindergarten with the same best friends.

I'm 4 years old and i just went to elementary school.
Surprisingly I was in the same class as my older cousin, Daphne, and ofcourse my best friend.

I'm still in elementary school and my best friend just moved to another town so i had to make new friends wich, surprisingly, went very quick and easy.

So i was a happy toddler back then

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