Foto bij Anything else than work (BBC Sherlock)(complete)(Johnlock)

Sherlock is cheating on his work

Sherlock and John arrived at 221B after solving a crime in which the cheating husband was obviously the killer.

Sherlock placed himself on the couch and started talking about why people would possibly cheat on each other. While John went into the kitchen to make them a cup of tea.

Slowly getting annoyed with Sherlock’s ongoing theory. John finally finished making the two cups of tea. He places one in front of Sherlock who didn’t seem to notice it. While he took the other one with him as he sat down in his armchair.

Minutes went by in which John drank his tea as Sherlock kept talking still about cheating people. When John finished his cup and put it away he had enough of it. ‘THAT’S IT SHERLOCK I’M DONE LISTENING, YOU CAN’T JUST STOP TALKING CAN YOU.’ John yelled as he grabbed his coat and walked out the door.

Sherlock didn’t notice John had left half an hour ago and kept on talking. ‘I can’t hide it anymore John. When I first met you I told you I considered myself married to my work. Well I’ve cheated on it cause somewhere in our friendship I started getting feelings for you John. I think I-I-think I love you John.’ It was when after 5 minutes he still hadn’t had a response that he looked up and saw John nowhere around.

John where are you. I didn’t hear you leave – SH

John looked when his phone buzzed.

Really Sherlock I yelled and stormed out and you didn’t even notice – JW

Sherlock felt guilty he knew John was angry at him. But he really needed to tell John what he just had said to no one so he called him. The phone rang a few times before he heard John’s voice.

‘John please don’t hang up please listen to what I’ve got to say’
‘okay I’m listening’
‘the whole cheating theory had a meaning John cause I’ve found myself guilty of it to’

John wanted to cut him off but Sherlock continued talking.

‘When I first met you I told you I considered myself married to my work. Remember that?’
‘yeah why?
‘Cause John I’ve cheated on my work. I I think I love you john.’

It was silent for a few moments.

‘Please say something John’
‘I’m on my way home Sherlock ’

The moments Sherlock waited for John where the longest moments of his life. He sat up as he heard the key turn in the lock. He stood up and walked up to john who was standing in the doorway.

‘So are we okay?’ Sherlock asked unsure how to behave. John shook his head and then smiled at Sherlock and nodded. ‘Of course we are silly.’ He caught Sherlock in a hug. After the broke the hug John kept his hands on Sherlock’s shoulders. Just standing there a few moments in silence.

John put his arms around Sherlock’s neck and had to stand on his toes to finally kiss Sherlock . it was like he imagined it to be Sherlock’s hands around his waist and going along with the kiss. When they broke apart for air John chuckled. ‘You know I don’t mind you cheated as long as you don’t cheat on me with anybody or anything else than your work.’

Sherlock acted like he was over thinking the possibilities. What got him a soft punch from John. ‘Okay I promise’ he said. Leaning in for another kiss.

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