Foto bij streets of london

Walking around the streets of London, I’m just thinking about the same things like I always seem to do these weeks. I probably sound like an old man , always complaining about the same things. But it just stays with me, I have to find a reason to explain. One question: why? The answer is nowhere to be found. And it just keeps getting worse. Everything I do seems like a new reason to attack me in any possible way.

I cross the street to enter the strabucks, my hoodie covers my head and I walk my shoulders low and my head down, hoping no one would recognize me, I’m not in the mood for screaming girls or paps. I love the fans, but these days even their love doesn’t help. I just nee dan outsider to help me trough. The boys are great but they can’t help me and my mum and sister are not here. I know it’s heartbreaking for my mom to see al this hate coming my way. She raised me the best she could and she did a great job, but now people makei t look like she was an awful mum and raised me as a spoiled boy. But that’s not who I am, that’s what they like to make of me. Trying to get some less depressing thoughts on my mind, I shrug my head and walk to the Starbucks.

Passing shops on my side I don't try to look at them, afraid to see a magazine with another lie about me. Once I passed these shops I'm able to look again at the stores, all these things I could easily afford, all these things a lot of people would like to have. But none of all this could heal me now. they sometimes say shopping is a therapy and believe me, I tryed but I think I passed the point where this helps. I don't know what could help me.

Suddenly I find myself bumbing to someone else. I turn around exspecting to see an arrogant man and I'm already preparing myself to defend myself in case he would start again with the cliché 'arrogant popstar' talk. But when I turn around all I see is a young girl with something in here eyes I would recognize everywhere. Something I hoped no one else had to feel. Something I know that can change your life. All is saw was pain.


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