Alice p.o.v.

After Henri had finished his so called explanation, which I obviously didn’t believe for a second, James started yelling: “Well that is to freaking bad you”. “James, wait” I interrupted him “What is it Ali?” he ask, I try to look as if I want to forgive him and I hope James buys it long enough so we can talk later. I hate lying to him, but it’s just a little white lie for the moment being. “I believe him, I mean I never gave him any time to talk I just ran off… I… just. Jess? The moment he makes you feel uncomfortable you get out of there okay? He might say now that he wants to change but he might not… So watch out okay?” I warn Jess as subtle as I can but it is not that easy really. “Ali! No! this jerk ruined your life!” James counters, “yeah well thanks to this jerk I found you didn’t I?” and I kiss him. How I love that feeling of his lips on mine.
But what I am asking of him is not okay and I hope he notices this, I do think he did though. No way in hell, he will forgive him. He ends our kiss and looks into my eyes; I stare back into his and find doubt and confusion lying in his eyes. I quickly glance over at Henri and immediately back at him, I hope it was as subtle as I tried to be, but I doubt it. However, I just had to warn James about the gun. I see James now looking over at Henri and back at me. He smiles and walks over to Henri. What is he planning on doing? I hope he noticed the gun and won’t do anything stupid! Nevertheless, my hopes were in vain since he asks, “Hey bro, can you come outside with me for a sec? Let’s have a talk man to man.” I must’ve looked terrified since James smiles reassuringly at me and then leads him out of the room. Jess and I sit in silence until I dare to ask her the question I’ve been dying to ask “Jessica, did you know what he had done before you came over to the hospital?” she just nods, “Then why are you dating him” she stares at me with a terrified look in her eyes, “I… can’t” and she sighs. “You know, he can’t hear us out there” I say trying to get her to talk; I got a feeling that something more is going on here. “He can’t?” she asks silently. “No I promise” “well I’m not dating him, it’s just there’s a guard outside your door to protect you and he couldn’t get through. When I ran in to him, he threatened me. If I lied and said that we were dating no harm would come to any of us, but if I told the truth he’s kill us all, he showed me the gun as proof that he’d be able to if it was necessary.” “Oh god” well that was kind of the most stupid response ever probably, but I couldn’t think clearly, I really hoped he couldn’t have overheard our conversation or James…. And just as the thought crossed my mind I heard the gun fire. “NO!” I jumped up and ran outside, James was sitting against the wall his hands already smeared with blood so was his shirt, I was sure he’d been shot. I run over to him and start lifting his shirt to find the bullet hole when his hands stop me. I look at him and he swiftly says “I’m okay, him on the other hand” I see tears stinging in his eyes so I turn around and see Henri lying on the floor in a pool of blood. “Oh my god, is he … ?” James nods and tears stream down his face, I take him in my arms and gently start to rock him back and forth a speak comfort words in a soothing voice until he calms down and falls asleep in my arms.

So I hope you guys liked it :)

Reageer (1)

  • Skynight

    Wow... and this really happend?
    That's fucked up ...
    A good story, but still...
    (your writing stays good ;) )

    1 decennium geleden

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