But what she’s asking me to do in not okay, how can she even for a second think that I would forgive that bastard? I end the kiss and look into her eyes, and in those beautiful eyes I find a feeling I hadn’t expected to find there. In her eyes lies fear, real fear. And then she quickly glances over at Henri and immediately back at me, almost unnoticeable if you weren’t paying attention. So she is still scared of him then why would she want me to forgive him? And she did warn Jess about him as well… and then I glanced back over at Henri and I just now saw the gun sticking out of his pants. So he really doesn’t want to change but she’s willing to let him believe that she believes him to protect us? She’s crazy. I stand up and walk over to him as calmly as I can. “Hey bro, can you come outside with me for a sec? let’s have a talk man to man.” I say, I smile reassuringly at Ali to let her know that I know what I’m doing and then lead Henri out of the room.

sorry, short one. I will upload another one tonight. Promise (A)

Reageer (1)

  • Skynight

    Henri should go to jail! I mean what tha freak: A GUN IN A HOSPITAL? Ö
    I'll stay up late to read the second chapter soon ;)

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