James p.o.v.

“God damnit James! I come visit you and your friend in the hospital and you beat up my boyfriend? What the hell is wrong with you?” Jessica yelled. Wait her boyfriend? Oh god she probably doesn’t know this is the Henri I told her about… “god damnit Jessica! Don’t tell me that this jerk is your next big love do you?” That was rude of me but hey I’m not the one dating a psychopath! “This jerk is my boyfriend so you stop hitting him ‘kay? He is not a jerk, he is a sweetheart!” she yelled back, sweetheart? Yeah right, as if “that little sweetheart of yours is the reason that Ali is in the hospital, he is the reason that Ali doesn’t trust anybody, he is the reason that Ali almost killed herself twice already! So you get your sweetheart away from her! NOW!” God can’t she understand that he is not wanted here? “no, let them stay, he can explain himself to his girlfriend and me right here right now” Ali suddenly whispered, I guess it was meant to sound louder but her throat was probably still sore from not talking this long. I don’t want her this close to that jerk so I go and stand in between them. “Okay, he can explain himself but if he even touches you he is dead. Got it asshole?” Henri just nodded. So Jessica and Henri sit down on the two chairs and Ali and I sit down on the bed. I notice that Ali is just glaring at Henri waiting for the explanation, and honestly, I want to hear this so called explanation of his as well. And when the explanation finally comes it is not what I had expected…
“I’m sorry” he starts, I’m not sure he means it but it’s a start. “I really am, I know that that probably doesn’t mean anything to you but I’m sorry, especially for the first time, I really was such an asshole and I never should have done that to you, I don’t know why I did either. I guess I was drunk or something, but when I saw you at Will’s place the other night I really didn’t mean to do anything I swear! I came up there to apologize for everything I did to you, but you didn’t even let me speak you ran off and I got mad, so mad. And I couldn’t help myself. But when you kicked me in the crotch I got back to reality and I realised what I had done and I wanted to run after you to apologize again but Will wouldn’t let me, he kicked me out and said that if I ever showed up there, or went near you he’d kill me and quite frankly I was scared that he really would. So I didn’t follow you, but the guilt was killing me so I went to your school, I know that your friends would be there so I couldn’t lose control and if I did they would stop me right away, so that was the safest bet you know? But then you ran off so I went after you but you kept running and than that car hit you and I thought you were dead. I seriously did, the way you flew across the street, I thought it was impossible for you to survive that, and when I saw that James was there I ran off, because I knew that he’d blame it all on me, which he’d be right to do off course since it all is my fault. But I really do want to make things right here. I want to change for Jessica, I love her and I’d do anything for her” Ugh he rapes my girl and then falls in love with my sister? What is this Oprah? Yeah right he has got to go. “Well that is to freaking bad you” “James, wait” Ali interrupted me “What is it Ali?” when I saw the look in her eyes I knew she’d forgive him if I would, but like hell I would forgive this asshole “I believe him, I mean I never gave him any time to talk I just ran off… I… just. Jess? The moment he makes you feel uncomfortable you get out of there okay? He might say now that he wants to change but he might not… So watch out okay?” “Ali! No! this jerk ruined your life!” “yeah well thanks to this jerk I found you didn’t I?” and she kissed me. How I loved that feeling of her lips on mine

Reageer (1)

  • Skynight

    I hate Henri, the actor --
    James and Ali are so cute together ^^

    1 decennium geleden

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