Alice p.o.v.

“STOP!” someone yelled, I couldn’t see who it was though, but James seemed to know. “God damnit James! I come visit you and your friend in the hospital and you beat up my boyfriend? What the hell is wrong with you?” the woman yelled. Wait her boyfriend? Oh god she probably didn’t know any of it… “god damnit Jessica! Don’t tell me that this jerk is your next big love do you?” Ow Jessica, this is his sister! That was not good…. “This jerk is my boyfriend so you stop hitting him ‘kay? He is not a jerk, he is a sweetheart!” she yelled back, I stood up slowly and walked over there while James yelled back “that little sweetheart of yours is the reason that Ali is in the hospital, he is the reason that Ali doesn’t trust anybody, he is the reason that Ali almost killed herself twice already! So you get your sweetheart away from her! NOW!” “no, let them stay, he can explain himself to his girlfriend and me right here right now” I said softly, my throat still hurt. I can see that James didn’t expect this and he moves so he is standing in between me and Henri. “Okay, he can explain himself but if he even touches you he is dead. Got it asshole?” Henri just nodded. So Jessica and Henri sit down on the two chairs and James and I sit down on the bed. I just glare at Henri waiting for the explanation. And when the explanation finally comes it is not what I had expected…

qhort one sorry, but there will be another longer chapter tonight I promise. meanwhile would you be sooooo sweet and read this other story of mine?

Reageer (1)

  • Skynight

    Sorry, I don't like 1D stories...
    But this part is good ;) I want to hear Henri's explanation ;)

    1 decennium geleden

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