I wasn't really paying attention to what the teacher in front of me was saying. The only thing on my mind was how my new class would react.
It's not that I’m weird or abnormal, but to them I might be. Why, you ask. Well because I’m human. You an I think that is normal but in this school it isn't.
This school exists of creatures of the night. In other words, demons. And you are probably wondering why I am here. Well let me tell You how It all began.

"Raven! Over here!" As usual Becky was really loud. "Hey becks, you know it's morning right?"
"It's not because you are just out of your bed that I am as well, you know." But Becky wouldn’t be Becky if she didn't get up way to early. In that way, she is the complete opposite of me. If I could, I would stay in bed till noon and go to sleep when de sun comes up. "Hurry up raven, or we will be late in class." She shouted.
"It's not that I will learn anything new, Becky. And you know it." She rolled her eyes “well, you might be a genius but I need to go to class to get smart. So come on!" "Well it is true that I am smarter than some other people and that’s maybe why the teachers are a little less severe on me, but calling me a genius might be a little bit too much, Becky." We ran true the hall to our classroom and laugh like crazy when we saw misses heralds face when we arrived too late in her class. "If the young lady's would take their seats and be quiet, then I can continue my lesson. Thank you." When you know misses heralds, you know we got away pretty easy. Once she threw an eraser to someone because he was 10 minutes too late for her class. After listening to a lesson full of boring numbers and formulas, math class was finally over. "I really don't get what she was talking about in there" Becky said. "Well, I was just bored. If you want I can come home with you and help you with your homework."
"That would save my life! Thanks raven." Becky beamed whit joy.
“I only have to call home to say that I will be home late." I am lucky that mam isn't too severe. "Mum, can I go to Becky and help her with her homework? I will be home before dinner."
"Oh hey honey, of course you can. Say hi to Becky’s mother from me."
"Thanks mum, see you later."
"See you later sweetie."
Becky went to take her car so I could put my bike in the trunk. I think it is awesome that she has a car of her own. She got it as a present for her 16th birthday. You can imagine that she was over excited and beaming whit joy when she opened the garage and saw the newest Audi standing in front of her with a pink ribbon on top of it.
But compared to her car, her house is even more awesome. She has a room 3 times the size of mine and a walk in closet. To top it off, she even has her own bathroom and an indoor pool.
So you can already guess that her family is rich. And no, I’m not friends whit her because of that, I just like her enthusiasm and her way of being happy over everything. "Thanks again for coming to help me with my homework, raven. I don't I can pull it off without you." She said.
"No problem that is what friends are for. And besides, not having to go home directly and face that brother of mine is a good thing."
"He isn't that bad, I wish I had a brother like him, he at least doesn't hide all of your stuff like mine."
So as you can see, we both have a brother.
The only difference is that Becky’s brother is 9 and mine is 17.
He may not hide my shoes or clothes, but he has annoying comments about everything. And just like a 9 year old, he has to go and say every little thing I do wrong to mum.
"Well, you at least are older and your mother believes you more than him. At my place it's the opposite."
"You are right about that, if he is to annoying, I just go and involve mum in it. Because that is so not childish." Becky joked. "Ghaha, you at least know it." We both laughed as she parked the car.
Becky' mother was preparing for dinner when we came in.
"Hello, raven. What a delight surprise this is." She said.
"Hello misses Stanley. I came to help Becky whit her homework, if you don't mind?"
"Of course not, dear. You are always welcome here, you know that." Becky's mother is a woman of high standing, but unlike others, she doesn't show it in her behavior.
"Would you like to stay for dinner, raven?"
"I promised my mum that I would be home before dinner. But thanks anyway."
"Come on raven, we don't have all day!" I heard Becky shout from the stairs.
That girl can really shout loud.
As I ran upstairs, I bumped into a little boy.
He had short brown hair and his big green eyes were hidden behind thick glasses.
"Hey Billy, long time no see." I said.
"Hey raven, coming to help my sister again?"
"How can you guess it?" I said with a grin.
I liked Billy. He was smart and had a sense of humor that I like.
Becky mostly complains about him, but I don't get why at all.
"I guess I see you later, got to go over to henry. We are supposed to meet up at the fountain today. By, Raven."
"See ya, Billy."
He is such a sweet kid.
"Raven, something happened?" I heard Becky say from her room.
"Coming, I just met Billy on the way up." I said when I arrived upstairs.
“Oh, what did he want?”
“He just said hi, that’s all. But let’s start. Which subject first? ”
“I guess math? I mean, it is my worst subject.” She said a little shy.
“Great idea, what did we have to do again?” To be honest I didn’t really remember because I wasn’t attending classes as I should. Not because I’m a bad child or something, they just can’t teach me anything new.
Teaching Becky took more time than I had thought, so when her mother called that dinner was ready, I nearly got a heart attack.
Mom wouldn’t be happy if I was late for dinner.

“I’m home!” I yelled as soon as I entered the front door.
“There you are Raven, what took you so long? I really don’t like it when you come home so late, and you know that!” I heard my mother yell from the kitchen.
If there is one thing my mother doesn’t like, it is when her beloved food gets cold.
“Sorry mom, Becky and I lost track of time. It wasn’t intentional.”
“it never is, isn’t it.” She said whit a faint of a smile on her lips.
“Come on, eat your dinner dear. You don’t want cold food, do you?”
One thing my mom is famous for is her delicious food.
Everyone that knows her, is in love whit her way of cooking.
“Delicious as always my dear mother.”
“Don’t try to sweet talk me, Raven. It won’t change the fact that you were late today.”
“I know mum. Can’t you let it go for just once?” I begged.
“Alright then, but next time you’re late, you won’t get off so easily.”
She tried to suppress a smile, but eventually failed at it.
“So not fair! When Raven gets home late, you barely punish her, but when I get home late from practice, You ground me for a week!”
As I said before, I have a brother. He might be 17 but that doesn’t show in his behavior.
every time that I do something wrong he just go and tattle to our parents.
He might be older, but definitely not smarter.
“Cameron, no yelling in this house. How many time do I have to tell you that? And you get grounded because you come home late and you are drunk! Don’t think that because you are 17 that you can go and do whatever you want.”
“Yes son, your mother is wright. And on top of that, your grades are dropping as well.”
Dad didn’t mind the drinking as much as my mother did, bud grades were one of the most important things in live for him.
“My grades might be dropping, but at least I attend all of my classes, unlike somebody else.”
Damn, he had me there. I might have good grades, but skipping classes might be even worse than bad grades.
“Raven? Are you skipping classes again?” dad usually didn’t raise his voice like that “We have talked about this before, haven’t we?”
And be sure we did talk about this before. He even said that if I ever skipped class again he would send me to another school. And that means dormitories and worst of all, no Becky.
“But dad, I just fall asleep in class and then the teachers get mad at me and I need to go to the principal. Why go true all that if I can learn on my own? It’s not that I go and get drunk somewhere.”
Take that, Cameron.
“I know it’s hard on you to be in that school sweetie. But we just can’t afford to send you to a special school where they can teach you thing on your level. You need to understand that.” My mom said.
“I know, mom. And I’m not saying that you have to, but at least consider what I have to go through all day.”
“No one is going to save you now, Raven. Yu brought this upon yourself. I’m sending you to boarding school, and that is final.” Looking at my father’s face, I knew that the decision was already made.
“you have one week to round thing up at school, then you leave.”
“ What!? You already planned everything? What about what I want, let me at least chose?” I complained.
“I searched the internet before and there is a really good school where they teach according to your level. Al you need to do is go there and take an exam, and they will decide what level you belong to.
The site even said that there was no discrimination and that they supervise everything really well.”
“What is the name of that school dad?” I knew I lost so I better could be prepared to the fullest on what I would be facing in only a week.
“It’s called Saint Leviathan . I’m sure that you will like it there. You can make an appointment for the exam online.”
“Sure dad, I’ll take a look at it later. I’m kind of tired.”
“Of course, just go and sleep. Sweet dreams honey.”
Not that I really went to sleep, instead I just laid in my bed and cries my eyes out.
How could my life change so much in just a day?!
While I thought about that, I fell asleep in a dreamless sleep.

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