Maggie Pov

“Michael I told you, you don’t have to buy me anything!” I smiled while I ran across the street, holding my cell-phone close to my ear. It was cold outside, Christmas, and as Michael kept reminding me, my twenty-second birthday. Michael kept bugging me about what present he should buy me but I kept telling him it wasn’t neces-sary. “Michael, stop looking for a present. Go to Kate and be with her. I’ll see you guys tonight, ok?” I smiled when I hung up. Michael could be such a drama-king sometimes. I opened my apartment door and was wel-comed home by a wave of warmth. I let myself fall on the couch, tired from all the shopping I had done. I stared at the twinkling lights, that was until Poekie jumped upon my stomach. I made a grunting sound “Poekieee, I’m tired.” I said and I lifted the white cat off of my body. “Why don’t we watch some tv huh?” I asked while still holding my precious pet. I sat up straight and put Poekie on my lap was I turned the tv on. One of the Christmas classics was showing and I decided to watch it, there probably wasn’t anything better on at this time of year. I watched the movie until it was time for me to leave. I gave Poekie some food and grabbed my bag and coat. The snow touched my face as I walked outside and it looked like I had never imagined it could look. It was as if I had stepped into a Christmas card. One of a big city of course, but still a Christmas card I would buy. The few people walking on the streets smiled and laughter echoed in the corners of the colorfully lit alleys.
“You’re here!” I had just opened the door of the restaurant/café and already Michael greeted me. Kate smiled and waved and after hanging up my coat I joined the two. “Hey you two!” I greeted the pair and kissed them on both cheeks. The movie had given me the closure I had needed. Well... most of it, there were few moments when I was still reminded of my past, but at least now I had two friends to lean on if I had to.
“Happy birthday” Kate said as she gave me a present. “It’s from both of us.” I thanked them both when I accepted the present but I looked at Michael with a ‘what did I tell you’ face. Michael just smiled at me and I barely noticeable shook my head. Now that Michael had gotten a girlfriend he was a lot happier than when I had just met him. I opened the gift and thanked them both again. It was a computer, which to be honest, I didn’t really need. Michael probably disagreed on me with that one. He kept complaining about how he could never ask me to search something, because my computer was way too slow. I smiled and we ordered our food once the three of us had each found something we liked. It ended up becoming a great night. We had a few drinks, a lot of laughs and it was around midnight when we decided to go back home. We said goodbye at the exit, they went left and I went right. And I was alone.
The cold air hit my warm face but the alcohol kept me from feeling the stinging. Though the two meant well, every time I had to leave by myself and I saw them together made me feel lonely. I opened the door to my apartment and immediately poured a glass of wine.

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