Let’s rewind the story to the moment Maggie found the envelope. And imagine that she hadn’t opened it, that she just let it lay there. Maggie would’ve been able to finish the movie by running after Mike once the gun had hit the ground. She would’ve been forced by group pressure to go to the after party and she would’ve gotten to know Michael, who really wasn’t a bad guy. He would’ve been there when the make-up artist gave her the envelope and she would’ve opened it there, in front of him, thinking it was from a fan. Maggie would’ve been scared for sure, but Michael would’ve helped her. He would’ve made sure she was ok and he would’ve warned Maggie’s manager, who made sure she could move to a different house with better locks and who would have kept Maggie in the house for a week, while he told the media that she resigned. This would, no matter what ending be the last movie she played in.

Maggie’s only contacts would be Michael and her Manager, whom unfortunately because of one of his strange family situations had to leave her side and move to a small village. Maggie stayed, scared but supported by Michael who had become a good friend of hers.

And so, little Maggie Vermont ended up living in a small apartment in a big city. She had enough money in her bank-account to never work again, but that didn’t mean she didn’t get bored there. Even though she had never liked it before now, with her hair dyed dark red, Maggie loved going outside. It was a year later and she wasn’t scared anymore.

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