The final day of filming arrived. A day I don’t think I’ll ever forget.
I wasn’t told how the movie would end. My script was missing a few pages, pages only Lola, the mentor and the director knew about. They wanted to keep as many people as possible in the dark. My part was already done; I had no more scenes to take part in. Now it was just Lola and Mike.
Mike entered the set with a gun in his hands. Lola, already on the set, sat on the bed in trance as usual. Was this seen as acting or was she supposed to do something else? The entire day Lola hadn’t spoken a word, she only walked if you pushed her, and she wouldn’t listen to a word anyone said. Since Mike continued with his script, I assumed this was how it was supposed to be. Lola turned her head towards him and looked him in the eyes. She didn’t say a thing, she just… looked. Mike set a step closer towards her, obviously not knowing what to do, his script had already ended here. Slowly, like a ghost Lola stood up and walked over the bed towards Mike. Mike, still holding his gun, grabbed the weapon with both hands trying to stop them from shaking at the scary sight of the girl. Lola put her hand on top of the gun and Mike’s hands dropped it. Scared he ran off set when Lola took another step towards him and I expected her to follow him. Everyone did. The girl had finally been freed why didn’t she run away? The director looked just as surprised when Lola took the gun off the ground and turned it towards herself.
A loud bang broke the silence and people screamed. Everyone was shocked and I only took my eyes away from the scene once the police had arrived. I felt shocked and sad for the loss of the girl. But, after the police had interrogated me and I returned to my dressing room I realized.
She had finally set herself free.

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