Since most of the staff had been influenced by the visit of our sponsor –most of the staff wanted to be as much around him as possible- everyone had to work a little longer that day. Lola had already left, I hadn’t seen her leave but her schedule was done way before mine, and I was just done filming for that day when one of the make-up artists started complaining. “Glass in everything! As if my job wasn’t hard enough! Just had to smash it!” I followed the girl who furiously walked towards the director who seemed to have all control over this movie. “Her dressing room is a mess! I expect someone to come clean it. And compensation for my products.” She held her hand up as if she was expecting to be paid in cash, and the director looked surprised. “What happened?” the girls sighed “that crazy girl smashed a mirror in her dressing room, now all my products that were left open have glass in them. I demand compensation.” The girl said as if her own products were more important than the fact that someone smashed a mirror. I walked towards Lola’s dressing room that was still half-opened and I could see what she meant. There was glass everywhere. It wasn’t like she hit the mirror just once; she must have hit it a dozen times. On some of the parts blood was visible and I wondered. What on earth was the story behind it?
The next day Lola came to the set with skin-colored, almost invisible bandages around her hands. “You won’t see this on camera will you?” she asked the camera man before she could hear the rant of the director. After make-up, hair clothing and all the usual the filming started again. It was as if nothing had happened, nothing but a change in Lola’s mind. She seemed the same at times, but at others she seemed stronger; like she was fighting something in her own mind. When the mentor arrived later that day she started yelling at Lola as well, something the girl didn’t even seem to realize. The director tried to calm her down, “only one more day of filming” he kept repeating and I wondered. After tomorrow, when the filming was over, would Lola be ok? Was it this movie that made her this way? If this movie disappeared, would all her problems as well? How could everybody else be so calm about this?

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