The next day, even before I entered the building I could sense that something was different. People were dressed better than usual, the outside of the building seemed to have been cleaned and as I entered the build-ing I could see boxes of food, while all the people were standing in a small group somewhere else.
“It’s such an honor to be in a movie sponsored by you sir.” I could hear Megan suck up. Right, the sponsor was going to be here today. I made my way through the crowd and I was surprised to see that the man sponsoring us was actually a senator! What on earth was his interest in this movie? Next to me a blonde girl appeared. It was obvious she didn’t want to meet this guy and that she was pushed forward by someone else. She stood there, not saying anything, until she saw. It took a while for her to leave her own little world and see whom the man was that was standing in front of her. Her response however, was different from what anyone would’ve expected; her face turned paler, her eyes became bigger and her teeth were clenched to each other. Her hands turned into fists and for a while I was scared she might hit the man. Why was she acting like this?
“What beautiful hair you have.” The man said without realizing all the changes in her posture. He tried to touch it but she took a step back. Her face loosened up a bit and her lips forced a smile. “Good to know you still like it.” She said with a face that had nothing real, except for the fire in her eyes. The man looked surprised but after a short while seemed to recognize the girl as well. “You two know each other?” I whispered but I didn’t get a response. We were called to the set for filming but before leaving Lola whispered something to the man which seemed to scare him a bit. It was obvious that the history those two hadn’t been a good one. But then again, it was difficult to think of Lola having a good history.
Lola’s acting became even more real, as if the appearance of the senator had opened up a whole new box of emotions. Her acting sucked me in, we kept to the script but it didn’t feel like we did; it felt like we had chosen these actions our self, like they were natural.
“Excellent! Even better than yesterday!” the director wanted to high-five Lola, but instead of ignoring it like she had done so many times, she walked around him in a big circle. I wanted to know what was going on, I wanted to help her, but at that moment there was nothing I could do.

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