I looked at Lola from the corner of my eye and I could see her shiver while looking at her own hand. Was it because Kevin just touched it? Or did it have a different reason? At first I had thought that acting with Lola was going to be a disaster; she couldn’t even handle it when I touched her shoulder while it was a very physical movie. But she proved me wrong, Lola was an incredible actress and she was quite a kind girl, if you got used to her weird habits. Megan might’ve thought she was boring, but I liked the fact that at least one other person here liked to read.
While leaving the restaurant I heard Shelly and Megan talk about Lola; how they thought she was some spoiled rich kid that never had to leave the house because other people did that for her. They must’ve completely misunderstood her; they must have thought she liked this. While all I could wonder about was what had gotten Lola so scared.
The next day was another day of filming. We had practiced this part so often I was kind of glad we would be finished with it after today. But as soon as I entered the set I knew it wasn’t going to be as the times before. Lola’s make-up artist was trying to cover up the bags underneath Lola’s eyes even more than she had already done, but Lola obviously wouldn’t have it. Every time the girl tried to touch her Lola flinched and tried to push the hand away. “Just leave it, I’m sure it will be fine.” The director told the upset make-up artist who was com-plaining about all the other things she still had to do. “You haven’t changed a bit have you?” the director sighed in a tone I didn’t understand. Lola didn’t even seem to notice it; she was still so far away from us in her own little world. As we got ready for the filming I wondered how much of Lola’s character was really acted.
Lola didn’t respond. She just sat there, on the edge of the bed she was supposed to leave. Slowly one foot touched the ground and then the other. Her way of acting was both majestic and elegant as scary and damaged; you just didn’t know if you should be impressed or frightened. She stood up and the nightgown she wore followed her body in a smooth line. Finally she spoke the words I had been expecting for this entire time, and now I wasn’t prepared to answer. I had to swallow before I could continue the conversation, I had read and heard her lines many times, but never had I expected to hear her say them like that; with that small broken voice. I sat up straight and grabbed her hand which was just within my reach. Before I knew it she pulled it back, took a step back and looked at me with fear. She did just as the script said she should, but I recognized her actions from something else. I climbed out of the bed, ignoring the script which told me to just sit there waiting for her to leave. I walked towards the still shaking girl and put my arms around her to keep her safe. The shaking became worse, her breathing became faster and I let go of her, shocked, when I felt her tears hit my skin. Still shocked I stood there, as the girl continued the script and faster than ever left the set.
“Cut!” the director shouted, but there was no need for that. Everyone was aware when the scene ended, they could feel it. Lola didn’t return to the screens to watch, just like all the other times she immediately disappeared in her changing room. While watching the scene back I looked at the girl’s face, which hadn’t always been visible from my position. As I watched it and got reminded of the night before, I could tell.
This wasn’t acting.

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