‘Time to make some money’ I thought as I opened the door of my black Mercedes. I saw a few flashes from the paparazzi but thankfully it was calm. I had expected people to be here with cameras since today was the first day I’d be working on a new movie. The success of my previous movies gave this one high expectations but, after seeing the rest of the cast, I wasn’t too sure. I held my script tight in my hand, took a deep breath, and the finally opened the door of the building. I was glad to feel the air-conditioning, but was also disappointed when I saw my co-actors sitting around a big table. Some people were still to come but those already here had only been in movies not worth mentioning. I sighed when I realized these people might be the ones to destroy my streak of hit-movies. I got more disappointed with every person that walked through the door. My father/manager had seemed so sure when he told me to accept the movie offer, what did he know that I didn’t? Sure, the director was great, and though her mental stability was often questioned by the media, Lola’s talent was one you didn’t get to witness often, but still; there had to be another reason.

Finally, the last person to walk in was one I could see as someone of my own level: Lola. There were many things that made it difficult to act with the girl; she didn’t like to be touched, she got scarred when you moved too much, she wasn’t social, and she looked like a typical goth-kid. Still her parts in movies were often the best; she knew how to manipulate her viewers, and she gave her own spin to her characters. It was definitely worth to see her acting, I could probably learn a lot from her. The mentor, who was here to assist the actors and to help the director with decision-making, introduced everyone and then everyone stood-up to practice.

I walked towards Lola whom, to my surprise, stretched her hand to shake mine. I looked at her with surprise and shook her hand. “I thought you didn’t like to be touched?” I asked trying to explain why I hesitated. She smiled, “I don’t, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have manners.” I nodded, secretly happy that at least one girl in this city still remembered manners existed. “Besides, I better get used to it.” I knew she was talking about the scenes still to come but I kept quiet, not sure what to say. We started practicing together, and as expected, her acting was great. I couldn’t have been happier with a co-star like her, until I touched her shoulder. I followed the script and it was just one hand, but as soon as I touched her she panicked and blacked out. She was breathing heavily as she asked for a short break. It was a break the mentor had not anticipated and as soon as she saw us standing still, Lola gasping for air trying to calm herself down, she walked towards us. “Is everything alright?” she asked with an arrogant tone. “She just-“ I wanted to tell the mentor that nothing was going on, I wanted her to walk on fast and concentrate on the other actors. “I’m fine, I’m fine” the girl managed to say “I just need to get used to it. I haven’t acted these kinds of scenes in a while.” The mentor, obviously not satisfied with the director’s choice to cast the girl, took my script, which I had put aside just in case something went wrong, and read the part we were just acting. “He only has to touch your shoulder. What’s the big deal?” Lola shook her head. “It’s not a big deal; really, I just have to get used to him.” She said, desperately trying to change the mentor’s opinion about her. But the woman wasn’t interested in her answer and had moved on already.
I saw Lola struggle inside and then she took a step towards me, only to jump back again when I moved my hand a little. After a few deep breaths she tried again and I stayed as still as possible. When she seemed ok I put my hand back on her shoulder. She didn’t move, but I couldn’t make up anything from her face until she smiled forcefully at me. “Don’t worry, I chose to take part in this movie. I’ll be fine.”
After a while the kid-actors came to meet us and I smiled when I saw my mini-me. The actors that had a younger actor resembling him or her smiled and looked for the around 10 year old that was going to play the same character as them. Only Lola seemed to be in shock when she saw a little girl with blonde hair and a big smile. They looked quite alike, and the little girl seemed to realize that as well once their bright blue eyes met.

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