Foto bij Prologue ;

Sorry dat het in het Engels is, maar dat maakte het een beetje meer dramatisch. De rest van het verhaal is gewoon in het Nederlands hoor :)

Reacties, abo's en kudo's maken me blij :)

Je mag ook kritiek of tips geven, en als er spellingsfouten in staan zeg het me.

'Please don't let go.' I begged him to never let go on my hand.
'I won't let go, I promise.' He said it calm but I knew he was terrified.
I looked in his eyes and saw tears, I knew what was going to happen.
I saw that the others were dragged through the water.
I was scared, scared to be dead in a couple of minutes.
I was scared, scared to lose the ones that I loved.
I was scared, scared that he would let go of my hand.
And the last thing I knew was that everything went cold and my hand was empty.

Reageer (1)

  • Neverlandx

    Ik vind het nu al spannend !

    1 decennium geleden

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