-Imagine Niall: "They messed up here!" *Points at magazine of top 10 prettiest girls in the world* You: "What's wrong with it?!" Niall: "YOU'RE NOT IN IT!"

-Imagine *Niall plays guitar* Niall: "(Your Name) is the best girlfriend in the whole wide world. *Plays again* She's a really great girl." *You laugh*

-Imagine You: "I haven't had my first kiss yet." Niall: "Same here, you know what we should do?" You: "What?" Niall: "Change that." *Kisses you*

-Imagine Niall: "We'll be together forever… *Hugs you tight* and ever… *tighter* and ever. I'll never let you go." You: *Can barely breathe*

-Imagine You: "I hate you." Niall: "You do? *Thinks you're serious* Ok, I'll leave you alone forever." You: "I was kidding." Niall: "Now I'm scared for life."

Reageer (1)

  • happy4me

    Ooh, zo schatig!!

    1 decennium geleden

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