-Imagine You're talking to another guy and Liam gets protective and comes to you, wraps his arms around you. Liam: "I love you!"

-Imagine *1D At A Concert* Liam: "I love my fans and thank you for your support for my relationship with (Your Name)."

-Imagine Liam: "Want to hang out?" You: "Sure." *You smile* Liam: "Your bed or mine?" You: "Hmm… yours." *Winks*

-Imagine You get up in the morning and find your bed all covered in rose leaves and a note: 'Happy Anniversary, I love you Liam.'

-Imagine *You're crying* Liam: "Sorry." You: "Why did you say sorry?" Liam: "Because I wasn't there to protect you from the person who made you cry."

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