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James p.o.v.

“Is she going to be okay doctor?” Will asked, I still couldn’t believe what I had seen. ”She should be fine, she’s lucky you were driving by as the accident occurred” thank god I decided to go tell her how I felt and we noticed she’d been gone “How is she doctor?” I asked, I kind of knew the answer already but I wanted to be sure, the way that that car hit her and tossed her off the street could not have been good… “She has a broken leg, fractured ribs and she suffered from internal bleeding, luckily you and your friend here were driving by as the accident occurred and she got here in time. We were able to fix her up as good as possible, we are keeping her in an induced coma until we are sure the pain will be bearable. Right now she’s high on morphine so she doesn’t feel anything, nothing to worry about son.” Yeah easy for you to say, it is not your girl laying in a coma after she’d been attacked… “Could come outside with me for a while son?” my dad asked, yes my dad is a doctor and sadly enough also Alice’s emergency doctor. “Look kid, I know you love this girl, but I really can’t promise anything. I have to be straightforward with you, this coma is not induced, and we can’t get her out of it. Many of the doctors have given up on her. Nevertheless, I won’t, never. I promise you this. However, it might help if you talk to her; it helps with many patients. You should give it a go. Also I will write you a note for school until she’s out of coma, she needs someone here she can trust after what she’s been through.” “Thanks dad! I won’t give up on her!” and I went back to her room. “Alice, can you hear me?” I tried, well of course she couldn’t but hey I could try right? “Alice wake up please, I love you so much wake up!” I tried but it was no use. So I just sat there in silence, holding her hand. Hours passed until my dad came in again. “Hey kid, time to go home” he said. “No way dad, I ain’t leaving her! You let me here ‘kay?” I yelled “Shh people are sleeping in this hospital you know! And son you know I can’t leave you here, visitor hours have passed… I could try to get you a bed so you can sleep here, but you will have to sleep okay?” “I will dad, I promise” I answered. So I got my bed and I slept in the hospital. A few days and nights went on like this but still no change in her situation. But after 10 days sleeping in the hospital next to her I woke up in the middle of the night, it was like she had murmured something in her sleep so I decided to give this one more shot. “Alice?” hmm no answer “well okay I know you can’t answer me, but the doctor said you might be able to hear me…” It was worth the shot right? “So I just want you to know something, and you can’t run away this time” oh my god that was lame, I hoped she didn’t hear that. “Okay that was a lame joke sorry; I was just trying to get some reaction out of you. Okay here I go… Ali I know what you’ve been through, last night, last month, last year, name it and I probably know. I also know that you do not trust men anymore now, so probably not me either and I know that you don’t want a relationship right now or ever again. But you need to hear this. Alice Isabelle Dupont I love you, I have loved you ever since the first day I laid eyes on you. I know I don’t show it, but I do okay? I was just so afraid you’d turn me down and then you started going out with Logan and I didn’t want to ruin that for you so I backed off. But I don’t want to hide this anymore. I wanted to tell you earlier, I really did but then you ran off. And I should’ve followed you instead of letting you go and this would’ve never happened. I’m such a fool. I promised you I’d protect you and I failed twice in 2 days. I suck at this, but I do my best you know? I really try, I have even quit smoking for you, no one has ever been able to make me quit smoking, and you did without even asking me to. You don’t know how you affect me. I don’t want to graduate because I won’t be able to see you every day anymore and I don’t want that. I want you as near as possible to me, I want to be able to see you light up every time someone hugs you, I want to be able to see you rambling on about useless subjects, I want to be able to have long talks with you, I want to be able to mock you with the way you drink you soup, I want to be able to tease you by stealing your phone, I want to be able to insult you only to comfort you later, I want to be able to laugh at your lamest jokes, I want to be able to see you laugh at my jokes, I want to be able to hear you say good morning, I want to be able to be the first one you hug when you arrive at school, I want to be able to do stuff with you. However, you never knew how all those little moments changed my life; I don’t want to lose those. So why don’t you open those big brown eyes and take my breath away? Why don’t you just give me any sign of that sprinkling bit of willpower inside of you? Just move your fingers and let me know you’re alive, let me know you are okay, let me know you listened to what I said?” O my god, was it possible to cry while you were in a coma? Because I could have sworn I saw a tear rolling over her cheek. And suddenly she pinched my hand! “She just pinched my hand! Oh baby you’re alive! And you can hear me! Wake up Ali! Please wake up! Look at me with those beautiful eyes of yours, come on Ali I know you can do it!” Come on please open those big brown eyes, and she did, I can’t believe how much I had missed to see those big eyes with that little spark in them. I thought this couldn’t get any better than this until she shrugged “I love you James Allen” I bend over and kissed her. I had waited ages to do that, I felt her perfect lips on mine, how our lips moved together, how they fit perfectly, this was all I needed. Just Ali, she was all I would ever need and I lost myself in our kiss. And then this perfect moment was brutally interrupted by the door opening. We looked up and with fear Ali crawled closer to me, I knew this bastard. This was Henri. I jumped up and hit him right in the nose, like hell he would touch my girl ever again, I raised up my right hand again and was ready to hit him until “STOP!”

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  • Skynight


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