Foto bij 009

Sorry, it's a bit short, but I'll write a few more today! promise
and I want to thank Skynight for always leaving a comment! Thank you <3

Alice p.o.v

“So you were at Will’s last night?” he asks, because I hadn’t returned any of his phone calls all night long and not one of his texts either. He must’ve been crazy worried b/c he called me a million times and had sent me more than 100 messages all night long… I normally respond immediately to any messages but not last night… “Yeah I guess so” I shrug. “You don’t remember do you?” he asks a little irritated; ugh, he is so overprotective sometimes! “Ehm… not really no” I hate it when I have to admit stuff like this. “Why do you even care?” I blurt out, “Why do I care? Did you just ask me why I care?” he asks offended. “Yes I did, it’s not like you were concerned last night now were you? It is not like any of you cared!” okay I know that was a bitch move but I just needed them to let me go, I had noticed Henri standing in the parking lot and I had to get out of here but the boys shouldn’t see him or things would get ugly. So I just run off. “Ali stop! I care! More than you think! Ali! ALI!” but I just keep running until I can’t hear him anymore. God dammit, why can’t I just tell him how I feel? I couldn’t while I was with Logan, but that’s now over so? Ugh, I’m such a chicken! I can’t go to Will’s place now, he heard me saying I was going over there, so I should probably go somewhere else… but the only person I trust and want to be near right now is James, and since I just ran off he probably won’t go to Will’s place and he’ll just go home… I’ll just go to his place instead. I take out my phone and dial Will’s number “Hello?” answers the voice on the other side of the line. “Hey Will, it’s Ali!” I say, “Hey Ali, are you coming over to pick up your stuff?” “Ehm, not right now no. I’m going over to James’ house for a bit, we’ll come pick up my stuff later tonight. Is that okay?” “yeah that’s great. Tell James I said hi, and have fun!” “I will! Thanks and see you tonight!” I hang up, while I’m typing a text to James I bump into someone, gosh I’m so clumsy! I keep bumping in to people… “Sorry” I mumble and look up to see who I bumped into this time. Of course it had to be him “HENRI?” I dropped my phone out of shock and started running, I couldn’t care less where I was going I just had to get out of here! I ran over the street and heard honking coming from my left side I looked over to the left and …

Reageer (1)

  • Skynight

    You're welcome ^^ sorry it took so long, I just came back from Arras Main Square Festival ;)

    1 decennium geleden

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