Foto bij 008

yes this is the story of a friend of mine

James p.o.v.

“So you were at Will’s last night?” I ask, because she hadn’t returned any of my phone calls all night long and not one of my texts either. I had been crazy worried b/c I know how fragile she really is, I heard about the break-up, and I knew she would probably go out and wake up somewhere and not knowing what had happened… so I had called her and texted her all night long, she normally responds immediately to any messages and now I hadn’t heard anything the entire night… “Yeah I guess so” she shrugs. “You don’t remember do you?” I ask a little irritated; she knows how protective I am of her… “Ehm… not really no” I can see she is somewhat embarrassed, and she should be. “Why do you even care?” she suddenly says, “why do I care? Did you just ask me why I care?” I ask offended. “yes I did, it’s not like you were concerned last night now were you? It is not like any of you cared!” and she runs off. “Ali stop! I care! More than you think! Ali! ALI!” but she just keeps running until she’s out of sight. God dammit, why can’t I just tell her how I feel? I couldn’t while she was with Logan, but that’s now over so? Ugh I’m such a chicken! “Ehm… James?” Oh crap Luke is still here, I forgot about that for a minute “yeah what’s up Luke?” “you love her don’t you?” he asks, it’s the first time someone has actually popped the question like that… “yeah I do, with all my heart” I answer without even thinking about it. “why don’t you tell her?” “I don’t think she wants a relationship after all she’s been through. She doesn’t believe in love anymore… even though she only deserves the best she only gets the worst…” it’s true you know, she is so beautiful and talented and humble and nice and lovable and so much more, but she’d never go for a guy like me, actually I don’t think she’d go for any guy right now… I’m gonna go and kick that assholes ass! I know where he lives I’m going to go over there and tear him to pieces, I should’ve done so the first time he hurt her, but I had promised her I wouldn’t and I kept my promise but I didn’t promise anything this time! “Hey dude, ehm you should go over there and tell her, comfort her and protect her from now on.” Luke had a point, beating Henri up now wouldn’t do any good for her, the best I could do right now is be there for her and protect her.

“kiss me!” “hahaha no you’re drunk Ali! I’m gonna get you in that bed of yours” I said, gosh she was wasted! I put her down in to her bed and sat down next to her “don’t you love me James? I mean really love me. I thought you did…,” she says, so she knows. “Yes I do love you Ali, I love you more than Romeo loved Juliet, more than grandpa loves grandma, more than I love myself. You are the only one I want; even though I act like a player, I only want you. I want you to be mine and I’ll never let anyone hurt you ever I promise. Just tell me you love me and I’ll be everything you want me to be…” I said, but when I looked at her, I saw that she’d fallen asleep, I guess she’ll never know….

“Hey James, come in bro!” “hey Will” I said “Ehm I wanted to come and see how Ali’s doing, she told me she’d be here?” I asked, I mean it’s not like I don’t get along with William but we usually only hang when Ali’s with us… “No she was going to spend today with you, and she was gonna come over tonight with you to pick up her stuff?” he answered. WHAT? “No Ali ran off just 20 minutes ago saying she was coming here? So I came over here to see how she was doing!” “crap!” we had lost Ali at the worst time possible… we called everyone we knew but no one knew where Ali was. Ali was missing right when we thought she’d reached the worst part of her life and everything would be going better from now on. I guess not. I have to find her! I can’t lose her, losing her would be like losing me…

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