I just want my readers to know that if they have any problem of whatever kind I am here for you!

also yes the story is a real one, everything I write down actually happened

Alice p.o.v.

“Ali!” I turned my head and saw James, he didn’t look too happy. “Hey James!” I tried to act happy so he wouldn’t notice, but I’m guessing it was already too late for him not to notice… “Ali, show me your wrist,” he said. “What? No! Why would I show you my wrist?” I didn’t want him to know what happened last night, especially since I only remembered parts of it, but he knew that obviously so he just took my arm, and looked at my uncovered skin. He of course noticed the fresh marks and looked at me with his big brown eyes. I could see the pain, disappointment, and concern in his eyes… I knew this was torture for him, I had promised him that I would never cut again, and I didn’t "I really didn’t I know how stupid this sounds but…it just..." I try to apologize. "Well then who did? Tell me what happened last night." James asks so I do

“Please, don’t” I beg him. He takes out his pocket knife and makes 5 fresh cuts in my wrist just like he did the last time. “No! please stop!” I’m crying but I can see in his eyes that he won’t listen to me. So I quickly lift my leg up and kick him in his crotch. He falls on the bed in pain and I quickly run towards the door and unblock it, the moment when the door is unblocked Will enters and finds Henri laying on the bed. “What happened?” he asks concerned. I look back at Henri and smile “I finally kicked his ass, I am now going downstairs to the bathroom to clean up a bit and meanwhile you should kick him out” I answer. I freshen up and cover up the wounds and act as if nothing had happened. I go to the living room and tell Will what happened today, with Logan and with Henri. Afterwards we go out to have a drink, but once I taste the sweet taste of alcohol I want more and the next thing I know is waking up in will’s room again

Reageer (1)

  • Skynight

    Oh my god.... This has actually happened? Was is to you? Ö

    1 decennium geleden

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