This is a James p.o.v.

James p.o.v.

I heard Alice tell Luke that she was down because of Henri, last time someone had mentioned Henri around her had not ended well, I had been the only one able to calm her down enough to tell me what had happened, and her words had been burned inside my mind ever since then, I could still remember everything she said, and if this time was anything like the last than this was bad, real bad and I wasn’t sure she’s make it this time….

“Shh honey, look at me, it’s alright. I’m here for you” those words calmed her down a bit, but not much she looked up to me, I was holding her as tight as I could, it probably hurt her but I just couldn’t let her go, I was afraid she’s die if I let go. I want to get her out of here, but that won’t work… “Let go James I don’t want you here” she says. Awtch, that was the first time she had ever said she didn’t want me here and it did actually hurt, I hope she didn’t notice. So I just said “either you tell me why you just broke down or either I will hold you like this until you do” I know she didn’t want to be held like this so I was hoping that my plan would work. “it’s not right, things have never been more wrong… I have never ever hated guys more than today. So I advise you to let me go or I will not tell you a single thing!” I let her go, but I was still expecting an explanation “So you want to know? You sure ‘bout that? It’s not pretty” well yeah I kind of figured that one out already, the girl who never cries had just been crying for an hour and a half… “Tell me” I said, she took a deep breath and the words came out like a waterfall “I had a date with him yesterday” she couldn’t even say his name… “it started out fine, you know just like any other date with any other guy, nothing special. Then he said that I had to take off my clothes, I refused which was the worst choice ever. He hit me in my face I hit him back and kicked him in his crotch and started running, but I couldn’t go far since we were at his place. So I ran into the kitchen and hid under the table, but he found me. He ripped my shirt of revealing old scars and he started laughing he reached out and took the kitchen knife that was laying on the table he took my wrist and cut me. I was lying there, crying
I didn’t know what to do…” I can see a tear rolling down her cheek; I wipe it off as she continues telling me what happened. “when he was done cutting my wrist he looked at me and hit me in my stomach which caused me to throw up. He obviously didn’t like this and hit me again in my face and took the knife, I was begging him not to but he didn’t listen. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, it was horrible… he cut off my bra and my pants and underpants and he started touching me everywhere. He took off his own pants with one hand and held me down by my neck with the other. He put it in and raped me. I have not stopped crying for a second. After about an hour or so he said he needed to pee so I was hoping he’s let me go you know? But instead he…” oh, my god I can’t believe this, that asshole. I don’t know what to say, what do I have to say to this? Instead, I just hugged her and let her cry…

No, I could not watch her go through something like that again, not her.

Reageer (1)

  • Skynight

    wow.... this silenced me ...

    1 decennium geleden

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